E P I S O D E 1

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"You may kiss the bride."

Everyone clapped and cheered as the bride and groom shared a passionate kiss before the altar. Yet another pair, bound together in blissful color until the day they die. I faintly smiled at the bittersweet sight of their bright smiles as I clapped.

While I was happy for the young couple, I was also a bit envious. I've been in few relationships, each leaving a painful scar, whereas the couple strolling past us had found each other on the first try.

"That could be you someday," Jia said, nudging my arm.

"Not if she keeps giving everyone the cold shoulder," Akira jokingly scoffed.

Jia gave him a dirty look before looking away. I remained indifferent to their comments, focused on the newlyweds.

Akira had a point.

For years now, I've been looked at as a block of ice. I have a strong poker face and a cold gaze, so I've been told.

"You look like a bitch, but a pretty one," Akira had stated one time.

Akira and I have always had a harsh relationship, he's never been one to sugarcoat his words. Since the day he'd made the comment, and even now, I don't think much of it. Why? It's true. I admit I act coldly, but I don't do it on purpose.

These days, I'm merely the opposite of my mother and more like my father. My father is a very indifferent, and well respected man. He's never been a man of many words, he's cold to some, but was only seemingly shy to my mother. He treated her well, and silently showered her in endless love. He admired her like no other, and she adored him just the same.

My mother, despite living in a grey world, was the most colorful and vibrant person alive. Her presence was the closest feeling to seeing color, and it was all I'd ever need.

She raised me to be strong, confident, kind, and beautiful inside and out. In my youth, I acted much like her. I was always happy, and to this day I could hardly recall a day I was ever teary eyed. My whole life, up until now, I was a mini her.

Bubbly and ever so vibrant.

She had the most positive views on the world, though she was never naive. Both her and my father raised me to be clever and cunning.

"Don't let her beautiful smile fool you, Y/N. Your mother could break a man's bones if she truly wanted to."

Those are the words my father once said to me when I was little. It stuck with me because it was a statement I'd never heard him make before. I never once thought of it as scary, instead, I thought it was quite humorous. I believed his statement, but it was funny to think my mother had such duality.

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