E P I S O D E 7

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"Wasn't she supposed to leave tonight to be at University early tomorrow?" Akira asked as he plopped down on the small sofa in the room.

"Mm," I hummed. "I guess she'll be late since I'm sure neither of us wanna take her?" I questioned, turning to face him.

He let out a small chuckle.

"She's gonna hate us later," he laughed.

"She would've done no different," I stated.

I gently tucked her in the small bed, making sure she'd be comfortable. I made my way toward the door, but was stopped by Akira's voice.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"A walk. Plus, I wanted to stop at the small tea bar down the street," I answered. "Coming?"

"What about-"

"She'll be fine," I said, cutting him off. "I asked if they could keep room service nearby for about an hour just to make sure she's okay."

He took a minute to contemplate my question before getting up and following me to the door.


"You're sure there isn't anything bothering you?" Akira asked.

"What do you-"

"Listen, I know you have a hard bitch face, but I've known you long enough to see through you," he stated.

My eyes slightly widened at his claim.

"Ouch, do I look that mean?" I laughed.

He nodded without hesitation.

"When I first saw you, I thought you were the type to throw a brick if anyone even looked at you the wrong way."

His words came out so calm and nonchalantly, it made me spit a bit of my tea. He looked up, making a disgusted face.

"Could you not spit on me?" he sarcastically asked, wiping his sleeve.

I laughed, apologizing.

A small silence passed between us, but Akira soon broke it.


My eyes were focused on his expression, but his were focused on the drink in front of him. He looked almost a bit uncomfortable as he searched for the proper wording.

"Who was the guy you were speaking to?"

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