Girls can be weird...

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A week later...
          After what happened last week at the café i kinda thought about it. Maybe i do have a crush on her. Should i approach her or talk to her about it. Oh! I know! I should write her a letter! Maybe i should ask Uraraka for advice!
At my house...
           "Thank you for inviting me Deku-kun!" Uraraka happily said to me. "No problem Uraraka-san!" I answered. "So why did you wanted to discuss?" I heard her mumble. "Look umm-" i couldn't talk. It was like i couldn't get a word out of my mouth. "How do i tell a girl that i like her?" I whispered. Uraraka stared at me and was shaking "Well umm every girl is different- what does she like?" I heard her say in a shaking voice. "I don't really know" was my akward answer. "I-i got to g-go sorry Deku b-bye" she screamed while running out of the apartment. Is Uraraka-san ok..? Did I say something? Girls can be weird...
The next day...
           I was walking to school with lida today, Uraraka didn't come with us because she was sick. I'm confused about Uraraka lately. Luckily although Aoi decided to walk with us to school! While walking i asked Aoi generally about her interests. She said that she really likes singing and that she's good at it.

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