Where am I?!

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I woke up to a gentle tap on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes. I still was dizzy tho, I couldn't see clearly. "Oh~ You're finally awake Deku-kun~" I heard a familiar voice say... Who could it be..? I finally started seeing clearly. It was... It was..! Toga!? Oh no! Did the LOV kidnap me?I messed up... "WAKE UP YOU SCUM" I heard Shinsou's yell. "Watch your mouth Shinsou" I heard Tomura mumble. "Take care of him Shinsou and change his mind" Tomura continued. I was knocked out again right afterwards.

Later on...
I woke up again although this time on my own. This time I wasn't tied up. I was in a normal room. There was no furniture in it. Then suddenly I spot Shinsou on the corner of the room. "So you finally decided to wake up, you extra" he said. "I SWEAR I'LL GET OUT OF HERE AND TELL AOI THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU!" I screamed. "HAHAHAHA! Well guess what scumbag? You won't get out of here any time soon! Only if you join us!" He said. "By the way Aoi hates you! Hahaha!" He continued. I felt myself snapping. I felt nauseous so I throwed up. Wait why am throwing up flowers...? What does that mean...? "SEE I TOLD YOU SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU THAT'S WHY YOU'RE THROWING UP FLOWERS. YOU HAVE HANAHAKI DISEASE!" Shinsou yelled. Hanahaki disease exists?! I never knew it! I still remained quiet tho. I didn't want to talk. I want this to end... Please someone help me... I don't want to join them! No! No! STOP! PLEASE STOP THIS! I bursted in tears I couldn't talk from my fear. The only thing I tried to say "I'm sorry Aoi" luckily Shinsou couldn't hear me. Shinsou left the room. And now...? What am I gonna do now...? I DON'T WANNA JOIN THEM BUT I NEED TO GET OUT! I NEED HELP! PLEASE IIDA URARAKA I'M HANGING ON YOU! My head hurts from all my thoughts. Maybe I should sleep although there's no comfortable place in this room. I tried closing my eyes. I still couldn't sleep. But I need to find something to keep myself sane.

After three hours...
Only a few hours have passed by but it feels like centuries are passing. I noticed something weird, the room was warm. Maybe this information could be used. I felt nauseous again which caused me to start throwing up even more than before. I'm sorry Aoi. I'm sorry Iida. I'm sorry Uraraka. I'M SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I'M SLOWLY GOING INSANE AND IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A DAY. I heard footsteps towards the room but these footsteps are really unfamiliar. A black haired dude full of burns walks into the room. "I came here to clean up the sh*t you just threw up. But I could also give you some friendly advice to you. The way to keep yourself sane is counting" he mumbled. While he was cleaning the room he was asking me really personal questions I didn't answer any. He got bored of course and left. So counting keeps you sane huh? Well I'm starting off right now! 1...2...3...4...5...6...

Three days later...
302400...302401...302402 ugh I'm bored I don't want to count anymore. I wonder if anyone is searching for me... Uraraka's probably worried so is Iida. It's been 3 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes and 38 seconds since someone got in this room. I'm starving. I had thrown up about 46 times already. The room was full of flowers that I threw up. I'm really lonely I want people. For some reason this phase kept playing in my mind "AOI HATES YOU". That's all I could hear in my mind and it makes even more crazy. It's like a voice in my head taking over me.

Sooo if you guys don't know what hanahaki disease is there's some good info here https://fanlore.org/wiki/Hanahaki_Disease

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