I love you...

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The day of moving...
Momo and I had already packed our things up. We woke up early so no one would notice us at the airport. The airport was empty. Luckily we bought for a small plane that could carry a few people, so we wouldn't get noticed. Momo was very anxious so I was hugging her the whole time we were waiting for the plane to land. It felt so long that I started losing myself.

I'm in my thoughts again...
Ugh... I feel like giving up again. Well I can't just give up though! What about Momo!? I can't leave her!

I was lost in my thoughts again that I didn't even notice... A villain broke in! The windows were broken! Everyone is panicking. Oh no! Is there any water source in this plane?!


Momo even if she was anxious she made the tank without any hesitation.


Who is this green haired boy...? He's so familiar... No... No... It's not who I think it is...! It's Deku! I've missed him so much! Wasn't he supposed to be dead? How is he here? Ugh this ain't the point Aoi! I'm here to fight the villain!

"Long time no see Aoi~" said Deku. I remained silent as always. Dad always used to say to never talk back while in a fight. "Why won't you talk back? Huh?" Deku whispered in my ear. I couldn't keep silent. "Shut up..." I said through my teeth. "What happened darling? Shinsou hurt your emotions huh?" Deku yelled.

"SHUT UP" I screamed while throwing him at the other side of the plane. "So you haven't got rid of your old self yet? How pathetic!" He yelled while laughing maniacally. I felt myself snapping.

I teared up. My tears were floating again... This although only happens when I'm mad... But I'm not mad. Oh no... Crap... It's happening

I dodged before I could even notice Deku trying to punch me. It's happening...

It started raining as expected. My quirk again... This has only happened once how am I going to control this?! The plane is going to crash soon! I have no time for this crap!

This is it... This is my end... Or is it..? No! No! No! It isn't! I noticed that Deku was unfocussed. That was my chance! I punched him and splashed him with some water from the rain that got in the plane. Still that wasn't enough to defeat him. Tears were still running down my face.

Deku tried to punch me again but I dodged and uppercut him instead. Deku seemed to be really low on stamina. "Is that all you got?! When you were a hero you were stronger! You're worthless!" I screamed. Deku started bursting out in tears. "Shut up you crybaby! You're doing this to make me feel sorry for you and spare you!" I yelled while kicking him off the plane.

The plane was near to crash... This was my end... I love you Momo... Please forgive me... Sorry Mom and Dad for not listening... I'll miss you Jirō, Denki, Mina, Iida, Uraraka, Sero, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Todoroki and everyone.

The end...?

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