What happened?!

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At training...
          The bell rang for training time, so the whole class went to the training class. There i saw Aoi carrying a bottle of water. "Why would she be carrying that in training" i thought to myself.
           While training i tried to see the progress that Aoi was making, so i can find out about her quirk. She was training with Miss Midnight. I couldn't see a lot tho. Should ask her tomorrow?...
The next day...
           I was slowly walking towards the schools gate with Iida and Uraraka. It was a boring walk until all of us saw Aoi completely beat up on the side walk.
         I runned as fast as i possibly could. Then i heard Uraraka scream at the top of her lungs "ARE YOU OK?!". Then i heard Aoi slowly whisper "do i look ok to you?". She started crying. I stopped for a second and thought "Something looks off here". I suddenly gasp. Aoi's tears were floating for some reason. "H-how..?" Iida stumbled. Uraraka helped her get up "We need to rush you to the schools nurse" Uraraka screamed. Aoi nodded. I sighed in relief.
At class...
          Apparently Aoi was encountered by Kachan. And things got a little serious. The whole school found out so Kachan was under arrest for attack. That was the only things i was thinking about while in class.

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