20 years passed by...

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Everyday of being the new 1# hero...
  Being number 1 is really hard. I'm always trying my best of course. I remember when I still was in UA. Things were so nice back then. I still remember that boy, that green haired one with the big smile and weird hero costume. I remember Shinsou hated him. Ugh I don't want to gave a single memory of Shinsou anymore. Atleast me and Momo are in a healthy relationship. Today I have an interview at 10 am so I need to hurry.

After the interview...
  Phew I sure am tired. Momo came back from work. "Hi babe! How was the interview?" she hugged me. "Oh great! How about you?" I asked always. "Well there was only a small villain attack at the mall" she answered. "Did you get injured?!" I got anxious. "No don't worry babe!" She calmed me. We cuddled together for a while.... Until I heard my brother's screams again. I got so scared that I started screaming and panicking. That was one if my PTSD attacks. Luckily Momo was always there to comfort me.

In middle of the evening...
  I heard my phone ring. It was Ochako chan. "AOI COME QUICK THERE'S A GIANT VILLAIN AT THE CENTRE OF THE CITY" Ochako was screaming. I felt like time stopped... her screams were so familiar... No! No! I need to hurry! I got no time for this crap. I reached for my hero costume and run as fast as I could.

At the centre...
The villain is huge! There are so many people here! It's creeping me out... I need to focus on the villain. Focus on the villain not this crowded space. I runned for a straight attack. My attack left the villain unconscious. Wow it's time this ever happens to me. Everyone started clapping and cheering for me. I started getting anxious. I was shaking from my fear. I immediately left. I couldn't handle this situation

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