top secret

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promt: #pov we're hanging out with our friends but trying to keep our relationship a secret
this one is one of my favourite tiktoks from sean, my heart literally cannot handle itself whenever i watch it.

[y/n's pov]
you were at your locker trying to grab your lunch from the back of your bag when you felt someone standing right next to your locker.
"oh hey sean, what did you need?"
"i was just waiting for you so we can go to lunch, but you're taking too long. maybe i'll just leave without you." he teases, winking at you.
"wait give me a second i'm trying to get my lunch." you rush to keep up with him.

you see, you've had a crush on sean for a few years now. ever since you both started middle school, you were joined by the hip. but you knew that's all he saw you as...his best friend.

"y/n can i talk to you for a second before we meet the others" sean asks, fidgeting with his fingers as he looks at his shoes. you could tell he was nervous
"yeah of course! what's up? is something bothering you."
"i was just uhm, kinda wondering if you wanted to go out...with me.. sometime?..with me?..only if you want to of course i wouldn't want to force you to do anythin-"
"i'd love to sean, but is it okay if we just keep this from the others for a bit, incase it doesn't work out..i don't want them getting their hopes up and everything being awkward." you cut him off.
"if that's what you want, we can do that" sean grins

f/n (friends name) invited our group of friends to hang out at her place just to watch movies and hang out. it was about two weeks since sean had asked you out, each day after school he'd walk you home just to spend some time together alone. you liked him a lot and you could tell he liked you back too.

you were laughing at something o/f/n (other friends name) said when you glanced at sean, who was currently sat on the other side from you laughing at something f/n said, his smile gave you butterflies and you shifted your attention back to o/f/n's story. but you were shortly distracted as you felt sean staring at you, causing you to look back at him. a soft smile appeared on his face, slightly raising one of his eyebrows. your heart started racing and the butterflies erupted in your stomach. the first thing you thought to do was look down, moving the hair that was in your face behind your ear, smiling like an idiot. you looked back up to see sean talking to f/n, but he looked back at you shyly and quickly fixated his gaze back.

"y/n are you okay? you look really red" o/f/n asked, clearly worried about how bright your face is"
"huh? oh yeah i'm fine, it's just a little warm in here that's all" you chuckled but immediately changed back to a straight face.
"i don't know y/n you look pretty red to me" sean teased, winking at you when everyone's attention was on you. which caused you to turn even more red.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HOW RED YOUR FACE WAS, OH MY GOD I SHOULD HAVE FILMED IT" sean was on the verge of falling over from how hard he was laughing
"that was your fault, that's not fair" you pouted, his face softens as he laughs lightly. placing both his hands on your cheeks
"you're too cute" he pecks your lips. you turn red, for the nth time that day "i'm glad i have that effect in you"
"sean!" you slap his arm playfully

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