flirt with me

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prompt: #pov i see my ex at a party & ask my girl best friend to fake flirt w/me... turns out she didn't want to fake it
i am so in love with sean's tiktoks you have no idea

having a crush on your best friend is never a good idea, the constant butterflies that fly in your stomach whenever you're near him, the constant pink tinge to your cheeks, the awkward stutters, even the sneaky glances. these were all getting too much for you. but now sean asked you to go to a party this one random kid at school is holding. scared was an understatement. what if i get drunk and tell him i like him by accident. no y/n don't think like that. you were almost ready when you got a message

sean 🦆
hey i'm here
give me a second i'm almost ready

you grabbed your phone and lip balm and shoved them into your bag as you slip your shoes on, grabbing your keys on the way out.

"hey" you say as soon as you get in sean's car
"you ready to go?"
"yeah let's go, come on" you smile as you turn up the volume of one of sean's driving playlists.

after about 5 minutes of belting out songs in the car, sean spoke up

"r/g/n (random girls name) is gonna be at the party apparently."
"as in your ex r/g/n?"
"..yeah i just hope we don't run into each other that's all" you could see his smile falter as he drove
"well, i'll be with you if she tries anything at least"
"and thank god i have you with me." he smiles

you were having the absolute time of your life at this party, as soon as you walked in, you grabbed drinks (non alcoholic of course :) ) for both you and sean, and then dragging him onto the dance floor with you. various of your favourite songs were played, while you danced.

"uh, y/n.." sean panicked
"you okay?" you suddenly grew concerned
"my ex is here... flirt with me.."
"improvise, look me in the eyes and lie to me"
"lie to you..?"
"lie to me.. act like i'll believe anything"
"what if i said i want to be more than friends...and that i'm being serious right now.."
"you're being serious? you're not drunk are you?"
"sean, none of the drinks were alcoholic. i'm 100% sober"
"well... what if i said that i too want to be more than friends..and that i'm also being serious"
"i don't know, what do you think?" you smile and wrap your arms around his neck, his hands finding their way around your waist
"i think i know the answer.." sean's eyes glance between your eyes and your lips. pulling you closer as he tilted his head to the side. as you grew closer, your eyes fluttered shut, feeling sean's lips brushing slightly over yours. you smile as you lean forward even more connecting them together. it felt as though time completely stopped, the music grew softer and it only felt like it was just you and sean. your lips moved in sync with his until you pulled away, clearly blushing, and laid your head in the crook of his neck, feeling sean kiss the top of your head as you both stood there hugging.

"is it too soon to say i love you.." he asks
"no, because i love you too sean"

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