you're so lovely

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promt: #pov you're tired of your bully always making fun of you, so you use your ability on him...

the power of truth, something that you were born with. unfortunately, not many people had powers. you being one of the only people in the world to have them. but of course, you never used them on others unless something truely bothered you. you're the shy kid in the back of the classroom doing their work, only having a small selective group of friends that you were truely close to.

but unluckily for you, there were a group of people who always tended to pick on you, no matter what it may be. you were really into fashion, and was planning to become a fashion designer or a stylist after school, so you tried your hardest to dress how you like, not caring about others opinions.

it was lunch, and you were sitting on the benches with your friends, laughing at something f/n said, when she nudged you and pointed her head behind you, causing you to glance backwards. you cursed to yourself, it was sean. the main person you would say who picked on you.

"hey idiot!?" he yelled from a few metres away. "did you even TRY to look good today?!" he laughed
"nice!!" his friend replied, nudging him slightly
"HAHA good one!!" another replied.

you looked down, fuming. you tried your hardest with this outfit, receiving multiple compliments this morning. you were sick of what sean had to say everyday, and thought it was time he kept his opinions to himself. so you did what you had to do.

"why are you so..." you stared at him, glaring slightly "mean to me?!" not shifting your attention elsewhere, you felt him slightly become more vulnerable until
"cause you're so lovely, i can't help but fall for you, love" sean said, his eyes full of love as he said this, but then widen in realisation of what he did when you looked away
"dude what'd you just say?" his friend smacked the back of his head, sean attention not leaving you.
"i-i uh, nothing.l-lets just uhm..go c-come on" he slowly turned around, walking away but glanced back at you

"what..the fuck just happened?" f/n said
"i-i think y/n used her powers and he...confessed?" o/f/n (other friends name)
"i cant believe it. that PRICK. thinks he can walk over here like a king, insult me but he actually likes me? what the actual hell" you were mad "i'm going to find that asshole" you got up and started walking in the direction he left

you found sean by his locker, grabbing books out of it.
"hey asshole" you yelled, causing him to drop a book
"oh, y-y/n hi. may i help you?" this was the first time you saw sean so...nervous?
"funny how you confess and suddenly become civil." you scoff
"about that, i'm sorry i didn't mean it." sean said, causing you to feel a weird pain in your chest. you don't like him, there's no way.. "hey y/n are you okay?" he noticed your slight drop in mood
"uh, yeah i'm gonna go" you walk away, but sean grabs your wrist
"wait, can we private?" you nod and follow wherever he's dragging you to

"i just wanted to apologise, for picking on you"
"i know why you did it. it's okay"
"how did you know?"
"i forced you to tell the truth, that's why you confessed. i should be the one apologising i guess so i'm sorr-" you were cut off by sean kissing you, you were shocked, but you placed your hands on his cheek, his found their way to your waist. he pulled away first, smiling ear to ear at you
"so what does this mean" you said, blushing profusely
"well maybe you and i can go on a date later and figure that out huh?" he smirked, intertwining your hands together
"i'd like that" you place a kiss to his cheek and walk back to class holding his hand

i don't even know where this went honestly, i've had exams this whole week and my brain is fried

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