2 million special <3

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- this one is just a lil something i made up for sean hitting 2 million followers on tiktok -

"BABE! YOURE SO CLOSE TO HITTING 2 MILLION LOOK!" you run to sean "2 THOUSAND AWAY,  YOU CAN REACH THAT IN THE NEXT DAY OR TWO" sean hitting 2 million was a very big deal for you, being the supportive girlfriend you were felt like you were more excited than sean was
"i know i know, but i have to think of what to do. my brother and i just made a cake last time, what do i do y/n i need help"
"maybe two cakes? or do a cover, your fans love to hear you sing" maybe you also enjoyed hearing sean sing too but you did understand why all his fans adored sean's voice
"maybe i'll do a cover. what song though? i cant really think of one"
"hmm, we can think about it later okay? i've got to go to class now. i love you"
"i love you too"

was it 7pm and are you currently on sean's doorstep with a balloon that says 2 on it? yes. yes you were.

"y/n what are you doing here?"
"IT HAPPENED ALREADY?" you heard his brother yell from upstairs
"i was just about to check, but thank you. i really appreciate it. damn i love you" sean said as he pulled you in for a hug.
"i love you too...now what do you say we bake another cake?"
"i already bought the cake mixes, let's do it now cmon" sean said as he took your hand and brought you to the kitchen.

"now, we need 6 eggs, milk, butter and oil" you said as you read the back of the two boxes, one chocolate, one vanilla.
"you know what we should do, we should make them seperate and then mix them together so they make a swirl kinda pattern"
"yes! that would look really cool actually"

as you both made a cake each, sean dipped his finger into the chocolate cake mix and tasted it
"mm! y/n try this" he said as his dipped his finger in again and gave it to you to try
"oohhh it's good" you said as you now tried the vanilla, which was just as good. "try this sean" he proceeded to dip his finger in and taste it.
"yours is better"

"IT LOOKS SO GOOD" sean screamed after he saw the decorations on it. you see, you told sean to do his own thing for a bit while you decorated the cake, wanting it to look nice and special for him. you got help from his brother as you couldn't do the writing on top of the cake.
"do you like it?"
"i love it" he kissed your cheek and smiled at the cake, grabbing his phone to make another tiktok for it. "did you manage to film you decorating it for my tiktok?"
"yep! your brother helped me too because i couldn't do the writing on the top"
"he did that for my one million cake too" sean laughed as he back hugged you. "thank you for doing this for me"
"you're welcome sean, happy two million baby" you turned around and snuggled into his chest.

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