seven minutes in heaven

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prompt: #pov two introverted teens pressured by their friend groups spend seven minutes in heaven together

'stupid parties' you thought. why did you have to be dragged along to this. you would much rather spend friday nights at home on the couch or in bed watching a movie instead of being around this many people. today was f/n's birthday, and you being the amazing friend you are decided to cancel your binge watching for her sake. she had moved about a year ago from one school to yours, and told you she would be inviting her friend group from her previous school.

you arrived at f/n house on time, which was apparently early because no one else was here yet. you took this as an opportunity to give her your presents before everyone else arrived. as you two talked for a while, a group of rowdy people came in. all of them were unfamiliar to you.

"F/N COME HERE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" a girl with blonde hair yelled, immediately running towards her
"THERES THE BIRTHDAY GIRL WOOOP" another yells, this time a boy with light brown hair
"hey f/n, happy birthday!" this time the volume dropped, and a tallish boy walks up to her giving her a small hug. not going to lie he was very attractive, why did f/n not tell you about her friends.
"F/N/N (friends nickname) YOU GROW UP SO FAST UGH" this boy was taller than everyone else, easily around 6 foot, with silver dyed hair
"hey..i'm only a month younger than you" f/n slapped his shoulder. causing you to giggle, averting everyone's attention onto you. you gulped not liking this much attention, your eyes scanned the group and caught the boy you found cute looking at you, immediately looking away.
"AH YES! this is y/n! she's the one i was telling you all about" f/n introduced you as you stood next to her
"all good things i hope.." you whisper
"we heard so much about you! f/n loves you a lot" the girl said smiling at me "i'm chloe by the way" (if you're name is chloe, just change it lmao)
"nice to meet you"

"ok sean truth or dare" you don't know how, but somehow your friend group and f/n old friend group decided to play truth of dare. but the good thing is that you learnt that the boy from earlier's name was sean.
"uhm, d..are?" he answers, sounding more like a question
"ok, i dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with...." r/g/n's (random guys name) eyes scanned the group, you looked away praying he would pick you "y/n" your eyes widen, you look at sean and his eyes do the same
"s-seven minutes in heaven with s-sean?" you stutter, not wanting to.
"yep, come on you two lets go"

sighing as you walk up the stairs to f/n room, sean getting pushed in her closet, and you next. the close proximity made your face flush red.
"have fun you two!!" f/n smiles as she closes the door and locks it. you look at sean to see him staring back at you, but he looks away.
"okay everyone be quiet!!" r/g whisper shouts
"psst...what's happening"
"shh i cant hear clearly.." you chuckle at everyone's comments outside of the door. so does sean as you look at him again, smiling to each other. you being shy, looked away.

you had no idea how long you had left, it felt like eternity since you were locked in here. you looked back at sean, him doing the same. your eyes scan his face 'jeez he's actually a lot more attractive up close' you thought. you look at his lips, then looking back at his eyes, only to see his looking at your lips too. you both start to lean in.

"ALRIGHT LETS SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN HERE" r/g yells as he opens the door, yours and seans faces inches apart
"dammit I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD HAVE WAITED ANOTHER MINUTE" f/n slaps r/g shoulder

you and sean immediately walk out of the closet and back to the living room, you sit down and sean comes to sit right next to you
"y/n" he taps your shoulder
"do you, maybe wanna go on a date with me sometime?" sean fidgets with his fingers in his lap
"i'd like that" you smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek

bruh what the fuck is this

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