Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks since Halina has arrived, she was in a very critical situation when she came and very weak from the unnecessary torture she was involved in. Dr. Kentley had been doing a good job in healing her and putting her kinda back together, only problem is that Halina hasn't woken up at all since she came her.

She been in a comatose stage herself and has been healing very very slow, the queen asks me every if she had awoke or had any chance beside healing there nothing else. Camille and I have been waiting for her to wake up, we go every day to talk to her and try to encourage her to come back to us. But she had made no movement what so ever, I'm starting to think she doesn't maybe wanna come back to reality yet.

Adrian and Aurelia and the other two boys have been visiting her daily as well and have been depressed about her. I was doing training with the men on the south part of my pack territory when I got a mind link from Dr. Kently "Alpha, there a problem with supreme Halina" she said "What's going on?" "Alpha I just check on her and she was in her bed in her room and then when I walk out 10 minutes later all the monitors were beating and when I walked back in she wasn't in her bed, her window was open and she gone. I don't know anything after that alpha" she said regretful, I mind linked everyone in the pack "High alert, Vampire Supreme Halina has been taken. Everyone stay alert for any suspects, I need reports on all the guard side." After sending that out I ran toward the pack house where my beta and gamma was waiting for me.

"I went to the hospital room and I didn't smell any other scent beside her there" Xavier said "I check the report of all the people going in and out of the pack from the guards, no suspicious has enter or left" Dean said. I felt Everette getting restless. I sighed "Check the area and see if you guy can find a scent of her and follow it" I said and the nodded and left. I was walking up the stairs toward my office when I heard someone call me "Father?" Aurelia said, I turned and saw The twins and my daughters and the adopted boys and my Luna staring at me "Halina missing and we have no one that can explain anythings on what happened. There no new scent in her room." I said sighing "do you think she woke up?" Camille said "I don't know for sure? But why would she run?" I asked and she shook her head "My gut tells me she still on the pack territory" Camille said and I nod "We will find her and bring her back" I said walking back up the stairs.

Few hours go by and I was extremely worried about Halina being missing now. Then sudden I got a mind link from Adrian saying he found her, I rushed out and left Everette take over and we ran toward the location Adrian sent me it was near the lake far side of my pack. As soon as I saw then I was relieved it was only them  two there. Everette inched closer slowly, Adrian was in black shorts and was holding his mother softly crying as Halina was drenched wet from the lake and was laying her head on his elbow crying in misery.

Everette softly whimper and she opened her eyes and looked at me, her eyes looked dead and cold but also had pain in them. She was hurting bad because of Sebastian and she was afraid to show that, she reached for me  and Everette and we came closer and she lets us slowly "I'm okay Guys" she said softly. She didn't look okay but we didn't wanna irritated her, Adrian picked her up bridal style and we all went back towards the pack house.

We was gonna take her toward the hospital but she didn't wanna go there so we went back home where everyone waited for us and everyone was happy to see that she was back and okay and wake. Adrian put her into my and Camille room. Camille assured the twins she would take care of their mother and they left her to it. I started a warm bath for her and I light some candles and put some flower in the water. I went back into the room and got Halina and carried her into the bath tub. She felt light and weak still but she was responding a lot more then she was two weeks ago.

"How long have I been out?" She asked as Camille scrubs her softly and I sat on the toilet "Two weeks now" I said. "How long was I in for?" She whispers Camille and I looked at each other confused "8 months" I said. She pulls her knees up to her chest "Felt longer to me" she sighed. "Don't worry about anything the queen is handling everything since she woke up two weeks ago. You just take it easy and heal" Camille said washing her hair softly. She nods and relaxes slowly and closes her eyes. Camille and I sighed softly "I heard your voices when I was sleeping, I just didn't know why I couldn't get up" she said as she grabs Camille hands and kisses it, instantly Camille blushes hard.

She giggles and poked at Camilles pink cheeks and I chuckled at my two women being silly. Halina ends up making out with Camille and then drinking from her which gave her some strength to walk on her own. As we moved into the bed, Halina my be weak and fragile but she still wanted Camille and I to make love with her and that's exactly what we did for the rest of the night.

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