Chapter 23

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I wished I could've killed her but her being my own mother I couldn't, I hated her guts and didn't want to feel anything for her but I couldn't finish the job when Halina interrupted me that night. I hated leaving Halina back but I knew she wouldn't come to me since I was in the wrong. When I was to be king I was gonna ask Halina to be my queen.

I didn't know what she would say but I knew she reconnected with Alpha Alexander I knew that would happen eventually but I was somehow hoping it wouldn't. A vampire and a werewolf can't really function well together as mates but it can if they compromised there egos. I remember when I found my beloved, she had red hair and freckles and was the most beautiful women I ever met, I cried after I snap her neck and held her lifeless body in my arms. You see she was a werewolf and a rogue as well, I did my best to try and connect with her but I just couldn't. I hate werewolf with a passion and it was strong enough for me to kill my own beloved.

I burned her body and never spoke to anyone about finding her, eventually as the years went by I forgot about her and the pain I felt. I didn't love or try to connect with anyone else, then Halina came into my life. I was upset my mother sent me to go find some stupid human in a wolf territory forest, but when I saw how she was so broken and I can hear the extra two heart beats I knew deep down I need to help her.

I was there when she delivered the twins, her body was to weak to heal so she was bleeding out, I saved her by turning her that night and making her my familiar. My mother was shocked that I did but I didn't bother to explain why I changed Halina. I cared for her, she filled the emptiness in my cold heart. Soon after changing her I trained her to control her urges and trained her to become the warrior she is today. I was proud of my little pet, she was great in bed as well I had no complaints in that department.

I sighed as I heard the door to my hideout open, it was the witch that was helping me stay hidden within the palace. "Sire the grounds are clean and I'm done making the amulets you asked for" she raised her hand and a green amulet with a necklace, I take it from her. I told her to make an amulet to make me invisible so I can go into the palace to get what I need. I thanked her, good thing for her she gets to stay alive till I'm done hiding then I'll off her too.

I wear the necklace and feel it's affect as it made me fully invisible, I went through the front door of my home and walk slowly and quietly towards my room. I had hid my fathers sword in my closet and wanted to keep it with me since I didn't know when I would be back. As I pick the sword up and saw that it went invisible completely as well I was about to leave when my door open and in walked Halina herself.

I gasped and back away from her as she came more into my room, she looked extremely sad and was walking around looking at my things. "Sebastian" she whispers with sad tone. I felt pang in my heart that I was hurting her, I didn't know if I could talk to her. She sat on my bed and sighed looking at her hands. "Why did you leave me?" She said and I broke at those words "I didn't want to?" I said and she looked around confused as she heard my voice but couldn't see me. I took the amulet off and exposed myself in front of her, her eyes widen as I kneels in front of her.

"I'm sorry you hurt little one, I didn't want you in the middle of this but I guess I put you there anyways" I said softly "Sebastian please, come home. I can help you and so can Brida she will forgive you. Please please come home" she cried and I held her "I can't baby girl" I said, I kissed her and she kissed me back and I dropped my fathers sword and climbed on top of her. I knew I didn't have time so I said another spell that casted it self on her as I kissed her neck and bite her drinking blood from her.

The spell will make sure my legacy will live on even if I don't. I didn't have any child and I wanted one from Halina in the future but that will probably not happen since I probably won't make it out of alive here. She heard the spell and looked at me confused, I take her underwear off and thrusted into her and she moans as she wraps her legs around me and soon we both climax. We was breathing hard.

I got dressed back quickly and so did she, we looked at each other thinking on what to do next"You can't leave now Sebastian" she said as her cheek were still pink. I grinned and said "I will either dead or alive" she gasped as she cries "Please don't make me do this" she begs and I attempt to leave but I felt something pierce my chest from the back and it was my father sword. It pull back and I coughed up blood turning around seeing Halina Slashed at my neck spraying blood all over her.

Halina of course was welding my father sword and crying as she attacked me, I was choking on my own blood as looking up at Halina watching me die slowly. I tried to speak but I couldn't get anything out. Halina raised the sword and stabbed me into my heart, it was a killing blow and I slowly swept away into the darkness.

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