Chapter 11

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I feeling a lot of anxiety as soon as I parked, I haven't been here in 10 years and I felt like it was just yesterday I left this place. I was starting take deep breaths to calm my damn nervous down and I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked back to see Kaiden and Arelio concerned looked "Aunty are you okay?" Kaiden asked, I refused to let them call me mom because I didn't have that right, I didn't birth them, but I did raise them so I let them call me Aunty.

I slowly nod "I'm okay Kai" he nods and the three of us get out of the car. We walk toward the entrance and some wolf guard come toward us "Supreme Halina, welcome! We will take you to alpha and Luna" he said and I nodded. He wasn't someone I knew so I just follow him and the boys follow me.

We walk for like 10 minutes when I saw the pack house, I felt sick with anxiety, last time I was in here I was disrespected by Alex mother and cast to the side. I honestly hate everyone here no one will get my Sympathy here. We kept walking and we ended up inside and walking toward Alex office. I was greeted by his smell and it was so intoxicating, I hated how his smell and blood made me wanna get drunk off of him.

The guard knock on his door and we heard a "Enter" from Alex gruff voice. I showed the guard away and open the door with a slam, I grinned as I enter "Knock knock" showing my fangs as I walked in. Alex and his beta Xavier and Justine and Alex mother Gabriella was there, so was Camille, their daughter and my twins.

The three of us enter and I looked around and saw Justine and saw there was tears in eyes as she looked to me and she ran over and hugs me and I hug her back smile. "Long time Justine" she nods and wipes her tears "To long." "I never found out what you had?" "A boy and then I had another boy, that names are Jasper and Jamie" I laughed "Well you name them both with J haha nothing with an X Like your mate?" She laughs "nope I did more of the work!!" We both laughed, I greeted Xavier with nod and went to Alex next "Alpha, thank you for the invite" I said softly. Alex nods "You can call me Alex, Halina. You don't have to address me by my title" I rolled my eyes at him and smiles down to Camille "Hello Camille, how you been" I asked her, she blushed and stutters out "I-I've been good Supreme" I smiled and and nod my head at their daughter Veronica and Natalia. Who give their respect to me and I hug the twins hard who hangs me back just as hard.

"We've miss you mother" Adrian said and I laugh "I'm sure you have son" I say. Kaiden and Arelio when their respect to the pack members and hug the twins last "Miss you to idiots" Kaiden joked and Adrian slaps his head "Shut up shithead" we laugh and Alex clears his throat and we stop and look at him, I scoff and say "This is Kaiden and Arelio, they are my adopted children." Alex nods "Welcome all three of you, your room arrangement have Been made at my house" he said and I felt nervous.

"Why are we staying with you Alex?" I asked not caring, "because that how it has to be" he explained. I sighed "you really gonna make me stay where you torture me the most? Such a monster" I said to myself but I knew he heard me. I didn't care who heard and who didn't, I walk out and into the open field. No one follow as I walk around the pack territory and looked at the old and new pack members. Some where shocked to see me and some where glaring at me for being a blood sucker. I wish someone would try me, I'll differently act different then I did 10 years ago.

As I was in my own thoughts I heard a ugly voice behind me "Well well, look who the car drag in" and I turned and saw someone I really wanted to skin. "Mora, you little whore you still here?" I said smirking and she growled at me "I belong in this pack unlike you blood sucker" she snarls at me and I laughed "Yes I don't belong here and I don't wanna be here but I'm force since I birth your alpha children" she looked shocked, "the new twins are yours?"
She asked and I nod with a smile "Yes I birthed the new alpha of this pack and you? What have you accomplish beside a dead mate?" I smirked irking her on, she growled even louder which causes attention and someone must of mind link Alex cause he came running with Xavier and Camille and the twins and their daughter and everyone else toward us.

I narrowed my eyes at her as she was heaving with deep breathes "Mora, stop and calm down. She is our guest and the new supreme of the blood capital." Mora looked more made, probably cause I accomplished more than her and she was still nothing but a pack whore. She took small breathes and calmed down "Sorry alpha" she said softly and looked to the ground in submission. Alex nodded and looked back at me as Mora walked, I smirked "What?" "Who started the fight?" "She did?" "Why did it escalate to the point where she was ready to fight you?" "Because I said some things about her and her dead ass mate" I said  at Alex with sarcasm.

Alex looked shocked but composed himself "I don't wanna any trouble between you and my pack members" "then keep a leash on them" I said narrowing my eyes, he growled loud enough to make other wolfs bow their heads but I didn't give in, I'm not one his pack members or anything I won't submit to him. I felt my green eyes changing Into red and I took a fighting stands, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I saw Alex blue eyes changing into black but he looked sad when he did, I knew Everett wouldn't hurt me and Alex knew that "Mate!" Everette said and ran toward me and scooped me up and hug me, I loved Everette no matter what and smile as he held me, I heard a whimper and so did Everette and we both looked to see Camille tearing up, I bet it was killing her inside to see her mate with someone else.

I went to her and hug her and smiled "Your our special women Camille, don't be sad" I whispered to her and she nods slowly snuggling into me as Everette let's Alex take control again and he coughs hard a bit. I smirk as Alex looks toward us in confusion and I wink at him, he won't know what hit him.

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