Chapter 44 - A gift

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Hoseok waited for Jimin to come back from the bathroom.

He had ordered their main course, remembering Jimin's favourite dish, and carefully selected a bottle of fine red wine to go with it. He rolled the stem of the wine glass between his fingers, waiting to taste it until Jimin would come back. Hoseok turned in his chair once in a while to see if Jimin was coming.

He's only been gone for like five minutes and I already miss him so much my heart aches.

He put his hand in the pocket of his suit jacket and fingered a small box wrapped in golden paper. His gift for Jimin.

Hoseok knew he had treated Jimin badly. There had been all those... moments and then Hoseok had left Jimin, ignored him, dumped him. He knew he had made Jimin sad and disappointed so many times.

Hoseok had been so scared of his own emotions, of letting Jimin into his life. 

Being in love was the scariest thing Hoseok had ever experienced. And then, on top of that, the fear that Jimin would be hurt by his enemies, be used to hurt Hoseok. Hoseok had tried so hard to resist, had forced himself to let Jimin go. 

But in the end, he couldn't. This love just didn't take being ignored.

He knew it was unforgivable to treat someone you loved like he had treated Jimin, but Jimin had kept waiting for him, until Hoseok was ready. For that, Hoseok would be forever grateful. Hoseok knew he was the luckiest man in the world to still have Jimin's love, despite the way he had treated him

Now he wanted to show Jimin how much he loved him and make a promise. 

Hoseok was ready, he was ready to commit to this relationship for real. He would never ignore Jimin ever again, never leave him again. He was ready to show their relationship to the world, to stand by Jimin, to love and protect him, whatever happened.

He had wanted to buy Jimin a ring, but he knew it was far too soon for something like that. 

So he had settled upon a pair of silver earrings with embedded diamonds, designed by his favourite designer. They had been super expensive, but they would look amazing on Jimin, he knew it.

After some hesitation he took the gift box out of his pocket and put it on the table next to Jimin's wine glass, with the gift note beside it, so Jimin would see it as soon as he came back. He smiled to himself when he thought about how happy Jimin would look when he opened it. Jimin loved jewelry, but he didn't own anything expensive. 

Hoseok was planning to buy him so many things, but this one would always be special. He had spent a long time choosing it, to suit this special occasion. Their first date and his first gift to the boy who was the first person he had ever loved. 

Hoseok would do anything for Jimin. His Jimin. His adorable Jimin.

Where was he now? Hoseok looked at his watch. Jimin had been gone for more than ten minutes. He looked at his wine glass again.

When someone came up to him from behind, putting a pair of hands over his eyes, Hoseok was sure it was Jimin. So he took a firm grip on the wrist and in one movement pulled the person onto his lap. When he saw who it was, it was already too late. 

Yena had put her arms around his neck and kissed him.


Jimin had walked decidedly towards the inner courtyard. Reaching the doorway he looked towards their table. He stopped in his tracks and stared.

She was there. The woman. Hoseok was sitting with his back towards Jimin and she was on his lap, with her arms around his neck. She giggled, leaned in and kissed Hoseok on the lips.

Without thinking, his heart racing, his mind blank, Jimin walked up to their table and stopped in front of Hoseok.

"Fuck you, Hoseok. You can go to hell. I won't be your fucking dog anymore. It's over."

He saw Hoseok throwing the young woman off his lap, but Jimin didn't stay to see anything more.


It was the last Jimin heard of Hoseok.

He had run out of the courtyard, through the mass of people moving about in the restaurant and out into the crowded streets. Tears streamed down his face, now finally ruining his make-up.


"Hey, Hope, take it easy, you don't need him. Just come with me!" Yena called after Hoseok.

She followed when Hoseok ran after Jimin. Now Hoseok stood at the restaurant's entrance, staring wildly out into the busy streets. Jimin was nowhere to be seen and Hoseok felt the panic overtaking him. He had been too slow and now he didn't know which way to go to find him.

Yena touched his arm, but Hoseok pulled his arm away as if he'd been stung.


She moved to stand right in front of him.

"Fuck you, Hope. You pulled me onto your lap. And now you're acting all difficult! Let's get out of here. Let's have some fun. Who was that bitch in the leather pants anyway?" she said, obviously trying out some angry flirting.

Hoseok stared at her with eyes black from anger.

"That 'bitch' was Jimin, my boyfriend. I love him. You'll never be able to compete with him, Yena. So just get the fuck away from me." Hoseok said, walking off quickly in a random direction, hoping against hope that he would be able to find Jimin.

On the table in the courtyard lay a small box wrapped in gold paper, and a gift note saying

To Jimin, my one and only love. You and me, forever. XXX, Hoseok.


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