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~Delilah's POV~

I led Luke to my bedroom and let him enter first, reluctantly following in after him. He looked around my room and then just flopped himself onto my mattress, making himself perfectly comfortable.

My heart was racing anxiously as I stood silently beside my dresser, just watching as he casually sprawled out across my bed. I heard him let out a murmur of satisfaction, clearly approving of the comfort of my bed, and then he lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were intense and intimidating as he looked at me, making me feel as though he was looking through me. "You just gonna stand there forever?" He asked me, sitting up onto his hands.

When I didn't respond or even bother to move at all, he raised his brows at me. "What's up with you? You're so tense over there." He remarked. I was a little bit surprised that he had actually noticed how tense I was, but I didn't tell him this. "N-Nothing's up with me!" I huffed, feeling flustered. "I'm just surprised that you're here, is all." I said weakly, coming up with a lame excuse. Sure, I was definitely surprised that he was here and that he was Jamie's son, but that wasn't the reason for my behavior. I was just feeling flustered, thinking about how I had a boy in my bedroom for the first time that wasn't my friend. Tate had been in here before, but he was, well, Tate. That's different.

"Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you. Guess the world's smaller than people make you think." He remarked, looking at me closely as I awkwardly shuffled on my feet. "Yeah..." I whispered, trailing off awkwardly.

I didn't know how to make conversation with him. He was all in my personal space out of the blue, in my bedroom and laying on my bed and looking at me with those intimidating eyes. It made me want to bury my head in the sand, but instead I decided to just look at the floor as an alternative.

"Delilah." Luke suddenly said my name for the first time, making my head whip up in surprise. I couldn't help but to notice how good it sounded when he said my name. "Y-Yeah?" I stuttered, my cheeks flushed. If I didn't know any better, I'd have said that he was getting a kick out of my reactions because he was smirking when I looked at him. "Come here." He said, patting the empty spot beside him on my bed.

After a moment of great hesitation and uncertainty, I reluctantly went and sat down beside him on my bed, my hands forming fists. I tried to keep my distance but Luke had other plans, which he made clear when he placed a hand on the bed behind me and leaned in extra close. My face flamed and I jerked away, squealing in poorly disguised surprise. He smirked even wider. "Someone's a little jumpy." He teased.

"Y-You're close!" I exclaimed, scooting away hurriedly. His lips twitched but he didn't try to get closer to me, probably realizing that I was too flustered by it.

We sat in awkward silence for a minute or two, his eyes on me while I just stared at my blanket. "You aren't glaring at me for once." I noticed, my voice quiet. He raised his brows in surprise and eyed me quizzically. "Hm?" He murmured, confused. "At school, you're always glaring at me like you hate me." I explained, hoping he didn't find it weird that I had actually noticed that.

Luke's pretty pink lips parted before he turned his head away, staring up at my ceiling instead. "So what?" He shrugged it off. I frowned, looking at the side of his face. "You do hate me, then?" I asked, curious. I knew I had accidentally hit him with the door too many times by now, but I had never done it on purpose! I didn't want him to hate me for it, but what could I do now?

"No." He grunted after a minute, but the scowl on his face said otherwise. "I don't hate you. You're just...weird. I've never met a girl who brings fucking scooby doo snacks to school and eats them in PE, especially as a senior in high school." He said, snorting to himself.

"Oh, right." I mumbled, remembering what he had told me. "So you just don't like me because I'm a little childish?" I asked him, and he paused before hesitantly shaking his head. "No, that's not what I meant. I just don't know what to make of weirdos like you." He explained. I reeled my head back in offense and wondered if this was even better than having him hate me. "You basically told me that I'm a plain jane, though, and that's why you didn't remember me the second time we met." I huffed, sticking my nose up. "At least I'm nice! You're rude." I grumbled.

Okay, so that wasn't necessarily exactly what he had said, but that was basically what I had gotten out of what he'd said. It was very rude.

Instead of apologizing or trying to explain himself better, he just grinned at me wickedly and leaned forward again, making me squeal. "I didn't say you're a plain jane. I'm just saying that it's easy to at least want to forget girls that are weird like you. Can you blame me for forgetting?" He said. I wasn't sure if he was trying to make it better, but it honestly just hurt my feelings more. "That's so mean! I'm not weird!" I huffed, sticking my nose up.

He just snorted. "Yeah, sure you're not." He said flatly, laying the sarcasm on extra thick for me. I blushed and felt my mood deflate as I stared up at him, frowning. "You really think people forget me because I'm weird?" I asked quietly, hoping it wasn't true. He just shrugged. "I dunno. I was referring to me. You're weird and you look kind of, well..." He trailed off and then pursed his lips, eyeing me up and down. "You look kind of like a square." He said, offending me greatly.

"You're rude!" I gasped, feeling my hands clench into fists. I stood up off of my bed, realizing that I didn't want to look at him again or I would probably cry. His words hurt my feelings more than I thought they would. "You've said that already." He simply grunted, rolling his eyes lightly. "Because it's true. You're a bully!" I exclaimed.

At that, Luke grinned like he'd just heard the best joke on the planet, pure amusement on his face. "You're the one who brought me in your room and started talking to me, bubbles." He teased, causing me to clench my hands into tiny fists. "That was because I had to!" I defensively said. He smirked, nodding his head as he looked at me in a way that told me he didn't believe me at all, not even a little. "Am I making you angry?" He continued to taunt me, clearly knowing the affect that his words were having on me. There was simply no way he didn't know how frustrated he was making me. "Y-You..." I stammered, my cheeks flushed as I stared at him.

"You know what? You're just a giant butthole, Luke!" I declared.

Luke laughed hard, making it clear that my comment hadn't upset him in the slightest. His blue eyes sparkled and he leaned towards me, that smile still on his lips. "You're really quite the weird girl." He responded, eyeing me curiously. He cocked his head to the side and grinned playfully. "Maybe I'll have to make it a priority to really remember this pretty face of yours from now on."

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