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~Delilah's POV~

I sat with Luke on my bed, the both of us working on our homework in silence. Even though the silence was no longer as uncomfortable or as awkward as just a while ago, I still felt my heart racing and my stomach swirling with nerves. By now I knew it was just the side affects of being around him.

As I finished doing an equation on the calculus homework that I had been doing, I went to move onto the next problem and had barely touched my pencil to the paper before I heard the sound of knocks on my front door. I looked up and placed my pencil on my blanket, feeling curious as I slipped out of my bed. Luke was already watching me when I looked over at him, so I sent him a small smile, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'll be right back." I said, quickly walking out of my room before he could answer.

My bare feet pattered against the hardwood floors as I made my way to the front door, oddly feeling a little less anxious and on edge now that I wasn't around Luke. He didn't necessarily make me anxious in a bad way, but it did make me feel as if I was consistently walking on legs made of jelly, with butterflies in my stomach.

I reached the front door and unlocked it, opening it without thinking to check who was at the door first. I'd sort of just assumed that maybe it was a door-to-door salesman, because we did occasionally get them coming to our doors.

However I quickly found that I was wrong, very wrong, when I saw that it was actually just Tate, and not any salesman. I blinked, staring up at him in a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Tate?" I frowned, furrowing my brows. "What are you doing here?" I asked, curious. As far as I knew, he hadn't texted me anything about coming over to my house today, nor had we spoken about it any other time and I was positive of this.

Tate gave me a sheepish grin, his backpack slung lazily over one of his shoulders. "Hey, Dell." He greeted casually, not bothering to explain his reason for being here before he stalked past me into my house, making my lips part as I quickly shut and locked the door. Behind me, I could hear him already making his way up towards my bedroom, causing me to rush after him. "U-Uh, Tate?" I stammered, still a little baffled. It wasn't like this was his first time doing this, but it still caught me off guard every time when he would just come over and barge into my home. I normally didn't mind, but I had Luke up in my room.

He glanced back at me over his shoulder, but he didn't bother to stop going up the steps for even a second. "What is it?" He asked, chuckling to himself as he swiveled his head back around to pay attention to the steps he was taking, making sure he didn't trip. The closer we got to my room, the more nervous I began to get. "W-Wait!" I blurted hurriedly, reaching out to grasp him by his wrist. He didn't seem to notice it at first and kept going, making me stumble after him up the stairs, nearly face planting. Luckily he did notice that because he whipped his head around and stopped at the very top of the stairs, looking down at me. "Geez, Dell." He chuckled. "What's the deal? You're tripping over yourself just to keep up with me." He said, snickering to himself.

Warmth filled my cheeks and I hoped it wasn't so noticeable that he could see as easily as I suspected he could. Alas, I wasn't so fortunate for that to be the case.

"Are you blushing right now?" He asked, startled. Blushing wasn't necessarily uncommon for me, like at all, but I generally didn't do it around Tate. Not without reason, anyway. "No!" I denied, stubbornly shaking my head. All the while, my face felt even hotter than it had before.

The look that Tate was giving me was one that told me he definitely didn't believe that, not for even a millisecond. "You're being weird." Tate observed, narrowing his eyes at me as he looked at me with obvious suspicion. I pursed my lips and saw him lean down a little bit, looking at me even closer. "What are you hiding?" He muttered, voice full of skepticism. I just remained quiet, almost certain that it was better to stay quiet than to say something, or at least with Tate it was.

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