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~Delilah's POV~

"So," Tate teased as I sat in a McDonald's with him, Juliana, and Kailee. "How was Luke?" He asked, causing me to look up at him with a furrow in my brows. I dipped my chicken nugget in the honey mustard a little more, frowning. "How was...Luke?" I echoed, unsure what he meant. I mean, Luke and Tate spoke every day. Did he have reason to believe that something was wrong with Luke?

Tate rolled his eyes and sent Kailee an exasperated look, who snickered in amusement. "No, dummy." He said, shaking his head at me. "I meant, the sex." He clarified, right as I took a bite of my nugget. I coughed in surprise, choking as my face burned and I wildly shook my head. "W-What?! We didn't...That didn't happen!" I whispered urgently, making sure to keep my voice down since we were in public. He gave me an unimpressed look and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning into the table. "Then, what did?" He asked.

Juliana threw a fry at him that hit him in the eye. "Leave her alone, you pervert." She said. "If you're so curious how Luke is in bed, go take your chances on finding out yourself."

I giggled softly, finding it funny the way that he then scowled at her and flipped her his middle finger. "I'm just asking! I don't care how he is in bed, I just wanted to know the juicy details." He said defensively, shaking his head. I gave him an embarrassed smile, wiping my palms on my jeans. "We didn't do that, so I'm afraid I can't say that there are any." I told him, causing Kailee to snort from beside him. "Your virginity may be intact still, but we definitely all heard you that night." She said, cackling to herself when I blushed brightly. "Y-You guys could hear that?" I asked, absolutely mortified. She grinned wickedly and leaned over the table, wiggling her brows at me. "Oh, yeah." She nodded.

"How much of it did you guys hear?" I wondered, hoping it wasn't too much. The three of them exchanged looks and Kailee snorted when Juliana just shrugged and gave me an apologetic look. "We heard enough to know you were definitely enjoying yourselves." Juliana said simply.

A gasp left me and I ducked my head, feeling my face warm. "That's so embarrassing." I whispered. Juliana chuckled and ruffled my hair, making me glance up at her as she grinned playfully. "Hey, at least you're actually getting action." She teased. "Tate was just asking because he can't even get laid."

Of course I knew she was just teasing Tate for the sake of making me feel better, so I wasn't so embarrassed, though it didn't do much except take the attention off of me. For the moment, anyways.

"Dell?" Kailee asked, making me look at her again as I chewed on a french fry, cocking my head to the side. She eyed me and frowned, looking oddly serious. She wasn't a very serious person, so it was weird to see her like this. "Why didn't you tell me about your feelings for Luke?" She questioned, her eyes peering into mine.

I just about cringed, fiddling awkwardly with the long sleeves on my baby blue crop top. "Because I thought you liked him, or something. I didn't want to make you feel like I was trying to steal him from you. I figured it'd just be easier to leave it." I explained, trying not to feel bad about the fact that I had never told her. If she had a problem with him and I being together, or if she had feelings for him, she'd make it known. I wasn't stealing him. "Stealing him from me? You weren't stealing him." She said as if she was reading my mind, a small smile growing on her face. "The most I ever wanted was maybe a quick shag, but that ship has most certainly been completely demolished. He was never mine in the first place, so there was nothing for you to steal." She assured me.

My heart warmed and I gave her a shaky smile, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It feels nice to hear that out loud, from you for once instead of Luke." I admitted, causing her to grin at me. She looked at me for a while longer, her smile slowly fading. "How long have you liked him, anyway?" She asked, curious. We both knew that Juliana and Tate were witnessing our conversation, but it didn't matter because we were all best friends. This wasn't something I felt like I could only tell one of them, not anymore. "Well, I don't really know..." I admitted, my sentence trailing off as I tried to think back to when I first realized that I liked him as more than a friend.

"It's kind of weird. I don't remember when I started to like him. I just know that I did." I explained, yet I still tried to recall anyway. Still, nothing came of it.

"Aw, how cute." Tate said playfully, causing Kailee to roll her eyes and smack him on the back of his head. "Don't mock her." She scolded him, to which he just grumbled under his breath. "Dell never has crushes on anyone. It's kind of weird." Juliana cut in, causing me to look up at her. I opened my mouth to protest, wanting to disagree, but then I paused. It took me only a whole five seconds to realize that she was actually right. I was a senior in high school now, yet the last time I had had a crush on anyone was back when I was in sixth grade. It had been so long, it was no wonder Juliana felt like it was weird that I was actually talking about a boy I liked.

Kailee dramatically smacked the table, shooting Juli a look with her brows raised. "I know, right?!" She exclaimed, seemingly just as surprised as Juli was. Of course, Tate was the only one of the three that wasn't surprised, since he already knew of my feelings for Luke. "I just wish I'd known earlier. Now I feel awful for kissing him, especially in front of you." Kailee cringed, shooting me a frown. "Sorry about that, Dell." She added apologetically.

I just smiled and waved dismissively, shaking my head. "I know you are. It's my own fault, though." I told her, earning a look of disbelief. "That's not true. You felt like you couldn't even be honest with me about this before now, and that's my fault. We've been friends for so long, you shouldn't feel like there's anything that you can't tell me." She said. I didn't necessarily agree with it, because I didn't think that it was her fault, but I didn't push any more. She hadn't known of my feelings and I had incorrectly made assumptions about hers—most people would probably do what I had, right? It's natural to want your friends to be happy.

"Besides," Kailee began playfully, grinning at me. "I normally wouldn't say this for just anyone, but me getting laid is nowhere near as important as your feelings." She joked, earning a laugh from me.

Tate snorted. "Yeah, those are certainly words I'll never hear again in my life." He muttered. Kailee scowled, swatting him on his shoulder as Juli and I giggled. I glanced at my three friends and sipped on my soda, feeling grateful that I had them in my life.

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