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~Luke's POV~

We headed into Kailee's house once I had parked in the driveway, and I found myself examining the nice house as this was the first time I had been here.

"They're probably this way." Delilah said thoughtfully, her small hand slipping into my larger one. I followed silently after her, looking down at the back of her hair as she stalked down the quiet hall. It was times like this, when she was in front of me and I had to look down at her, that I actually realized how short she was.

The two of us came to a stop in front of a random door in the middle of the hall, making me glance at it as she pushed it open and poked her head in. I could hear the sound of her friends all cheering, making it clear that they must've noticed her presence. She grinned back at them and tugged me into the room with her, each of them whooping like they'd won the lottery when they saw her. "You look smoking!" Kailee giggled, bumping shoulders with Juliana as they both teased Delilah.

Delilah's face flushed in embarrassment but she smiled nevertheless, muttering a quiet thanks to them as she slid her hand out of mine, much to my dismay. I frowned and watched her go over to the two girls, of which Kailee was dressed up as a nurse and Juliana was dressed up as a pirate. Tate was on one of the couches in the game room we were sat in, dressed as what looked to be a zombie.

I went ahead and plopped down next to Tate on the couch, not really wanting to have to deal with the squealing mess that was Kailee. "You're not wearing the heels!" I heard Kailee complain to Delilah, causing the curvy girl to grin sheepishly.

"I'm surprised she actually wore it." Tate said from beside me, his brows raised as he stared at Delilah. I glanced his way, just to be sure he wasn't ogling her. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be, but it was honestly kind of funny the way he was looking at her with wide eyes, like he didn't believe that she was actually dressed that way.

"And you aren't even dressed up at all." He added, glancing over at me with his brows raised and his lips pursed. I snorted and shrugged, eyeing the cans of Pepsi that were all sat on the table in front of the couch we were sat on. I decided to grab one and then cracked it open, finding that it was cool still when I took a sip. "Yeah, I'm not that big on dressing up." I explained, looking at him once again.

All he did was hum, eyeing me closely as he bounced his leg, a grin slowly growing on his face. "So," He began, sitting up straighter. "You and Dell..." He trailed, wiggling his brows at me in a way that made it clear that he was well aware of the fact that she and I were certainly a little more than just friendly with each other. I ran a hand through my hair and cleared my throat, narrowing my eyes at him. "What?" I asked, pretending as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

Tate frowned at me and rolled his eyes. "Oh, please." He scoffed, leaning over to me a little more. "I've known Delilah for years, Luke, and I'm not an idiot. I pick up on her changes in behaviors, especially when you come around. I can fucking tell she has the hots for you." He told me, keeping his voice hush enough that only I heard him. I gripped my Pepsi can tighter and tried not to feel so smug about that statement, about the fact that others had picked up on her feelings for me. "That doesn't mean there's anything going on between us." I argued.

Again, he merely rolled his eyes. "Bullshit." He said simply, before he stood up off the couch and stalked away like he was never here.

I blinked and watched him go, frowning to myself. He went over to where Kailee, Juliana and Delilah were gathered on the opposite couch, gathered around to watch something on one of their phones. This left me all by myself, sitting alone like a loser.

Kailee got up when Tate plopped down, leaving the game room to go wherever, maybe to take a piss. Who could really say? Though, it didn't matter to me much, anyway.

My eyes focused on Delilah, who was sat in the middle of Juliana and Tate, holding the phone sideways in her hands so all three of them could see whatever was on the screen. A strand of her long, dark hair fell into her face as she giggled, her brown eyes gleaming. She looked pretty all the time, but something about the way she looked when she smiled just multiplied her beauty by ten.

It was when I was in the middle of still ogling Delilah that someone plopped down next to me on the couch, and I knew it was Kailee since there wasn't anyone else it could've been. I just about flinched away, glancing over at her as I scooted just a little bit further away, trying to be subtle about it. However, I guess she had already been here long enough that my subtlety was unnecessary. "I saw you staring at Dell." Kailee teased me, bumping my shoulder with hers. I groaned, shaking my head. "So, what? You sound like Tate." I grumbled, wishing they'd fuck off already.

She chuckled and shrugged. "That just proves we're not imagining it, then." She retorted, cocking her head to the side as she studied the side of my face. "You like her, Luke?" She asked.

To be honest, I wasn't exactly sure how to respond to this, because I wasn't sure if Delilah would've wanted me to answer honestly. Last I had checked, Lilah had been more concerned about the non-existent relationship between Kailee and I than she was about the far more existent relationship between the two of us. It was hard to say if it was the right decision, but being honest seemed like the only move left.

"For whatever reason, yeah." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. It was odd, the way these feelings had snuck up on me. I knew it wasn't the case, but it felt as if these feelings weren't here one second and then were the next, in full force.

Kailee flicked me on the cheek and I scowled, leaning away from her as I looked at her with irritation. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't say it like that. Dell's a beautiful girl and one of the kindest people I'll ever know. I know you both like each other, so you better not fuck with her head, ever." She said, causing me to chuckle to myself. I looked away, glancing at Delilah once again.

"That girl fucks with her own head enough by herself." I responded, unable to help myself from smiling slightly. "All this time that she's been liking me, she never wanted to do anything about it. She thought you had feelings for me, that there was something between us." I added, and Kailee snickered, an amused look on her face. "Yeah, that sounds like her." She giggled, shaking her head.

I smiled too, eyeing the pretty girl that was the topic of our conversation, who was now talking to Tate and Juliana instead of looking at her phone with them. Next to me, Kailee bumped her knee against mine and grinned widely when I looked over at her. "I'll do you a favor, okay?" She murmured, standing up off of the couch before I had a chance to respond. Confused, I looked up at her and watched her walk over to the other three, grabbing Tate and Juliana by their hands.

Delilah looked startled when Kailee tugged her two friends up from beside her, blinking as she tilted her head back and furrowed her brows. "Kai?" She frowned. All Kailee did was giggle to herself, whispering something to Tate and Juliana that got them to glance between Delilah and I.

And I was just as confused as Delilah, especially when Tate came over and yanked me up, catching me off guard. "The fuck?" I muttered, trying to shake him off me. Meanwhile, Juliana and Kailee were grabbing Lilah, already pushing her towards the door whilst she protested, looking utterly lost. Tate shoved me out of the room immediately after Delilah was, and then the door was slammed shut, right in our faces.

We stood out in the hallway together, and I glanced down at her, finding that she was already looking up at me, all sorts of confused. "W-Why'd they kick us out?" She pouted.

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