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my sweet sweet beautiful boy . i hate the way you hide your emotions , the way you pretend you're okay . i wanted nothing more from you but to just hear you say it back . but instead you walked away , like a coward you walked away . and i just turned into another problem , just some dumb girl .


apart from the big black doors there you stood . like a child at a candy store , excited , nervous almost . you had been here many times before but this had been different . this was going to be different . with a harsh swift the door bursts open and draco lets you in .

"y/n you're finally here!" he exclaimed . he was smiling , his smile was so extraordinary . you've only ever seen it when he's around you , his true smile .

"hi draco!" you said as he pulled you into the manor , guiding up the cold marble stone steps and down the hallway to his bedroom .

"slow down" you said in between breaths , "i just got here i'm still tired" you finished . but by that time you were already in his bedroom . a cold , yet welcoming place . this place was so familiar to you as you spent hours here on end .

the black and green room , a king sized bed sat in front of a window . the window which would've brought in a bright light but instead was darkened by the black curtains . the room to others , would be dark and unwelcoming . but draco . . he made it welcoming . seeing him made you want to stay in there with him forever .

"i'm sorry , ive just missed you" draco said giving a welcoming and promising look while sitting down onto the floor . an expression you didn't see much often for him .

"i've missed you too!" you say walking over to sit next to him . he put his hand on top of yours . usually you didn't like holding hands . but draco was different . he was just different .


"it's a good thing you two aren't a thing anymore," ron said stuffing pastries into his mouth . you were too busy giving draco a longing look , you knew he wouldn't look back at you . he had stopped doing that 2 weeks ago . he had moved on as fast as you'd fallen in love .

"wh- what why ?" you said , pulling your eyes from draco , straining, it hurt almost . you weren't in the moment , but any word of this to your friends and they'd shoot it down .

"we can't have our best friend dating a malfoy , he's on the losing team remember ?" ron said , finally putting down his food for a chance for him to breath .

he was right . so right , you wanted him to be wrong . you couldn't handle the fact he was right . you wanted to tell him , 'he wouldn't understand' . or anything of the sort but you just weren't motivated . you hadn't been eating for days , your only light that brightened up your day had been missing . your sun had been darkened by clouds , by something you didn't want to remember . you felt a hand on your back , secretly hoping for it to be someone . but it was just harry . you hated saying that , just harry , you didn't hate him . you just wish he wasn't there for you , maybe that would've helped you and draco last longer . just anything that ultimately messed up your world you wish you could erase .

"he's right y/n , but it'll be okay ," harry tried to say in a reassuring tone . "you'll find someone else , we know it" . the words someone else made squirm . you didn't want someone else you just wanted draco . just him . and to that you quickly got up and ran to the bathroom .

once you had gotten to the bathroom you let your guard down . you cried and cried . for hours you wanted to stay there . for hours you just wanted to cry , you had worked so hard , risked everything . and it was all gone . you did this often . everyday it felt like . you heard sounds burst into the bathroom . it was a mixture of giggles and excitement . but it was a laugh you would remember . it was dracos . you peeked through the slight opening between bathroom stalls and there it was . you hadn't known it before but this time your life had rlly crumbled down . the sight of another girl being with draco killed you . but the sight of draco being happy with another girl . that was worse . you wanted to leave . you needed to leave . but you couldn't .

"dracy-poo i think there's someone in here" the girl said . you had stopped breathing for a second , you couldn't bear to see dracos face . and after all this time , he couldn't have seen you like this .

"hello ?" the voice said slamming their hand on the door, "get out you creep !" they had known you were in here . you had to leave . you opened the door slowly and tried to avoid eye contact , all until you saw draco . his eyes were so mesmerizing , you had forgotten what it was like to fall into them . for seconds you stared into his eyes , your eyesight was glossy but you knew dracos face so well . there was so much you wanted to say . 'i'm sorry' 'i miss you' and one last final 'i love you' but instead you turned away . wiping the final tear from your eyes as you stepped outside from the bathroom . secretly you had hoped he would run after you , but alas we all knew he wouldn't . that wasn't like him , not anymore anyways .

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