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A/N: the story is back to normal😳✋🏽

its a good thing you guys broke up . they said . a y/l/n shouldn't date a malfoy and be friends with harry potter . they said . but you didn't care . you didn't care that i was friends with harry you loved me .


"y/n stop crying ," hermione said to you . "it's okay ," she assured . but it wasn't all you wanted to do was cry until you couldn't anymore .

"listen malfoy was quite stupid but it's a good thing really ," harry said . was he joking ?

"are you mental ? this was a good thing ?!" you shot back causing your friends to flinch at your harsh tone . you wanted to apologize , but you didn't feel bad . you didn't really feel anything anymore .

"listen y/n ," ron said putting his hand on your shoulder , "you have astronomy soon so get up and fix yourself . okay ?"

"no ," you protested . you weren't going . you were never going into the astronomy tower again . not with the thoughts of draco still fresh in your head . not with the memories still floating around the room .


"no ," you said while holding back tears , "they wouldn't do that ." or would they ? you had always known they didn't like you two together but you didn't think- again your thoughts were interrupted .

"you have to believe me ," he said with his left hand on your cheek . you believed him . you just wanted to so bad . you put your hand on his .

"i-i believe you ," you said reluctantly . why ? why did you believe him ? why was this so heartbreaking to you ?

"and i have one thing to give you ," he said handing you a letter , "open it in here , when i leave ," he said . and with that he was gone . much like any other time you've seen him . but that was different .

the letter

dear y/n ,

i should've told you this weeks ago . that i love you . since the first day of year 2 and you compared me to a shooting star , i love you . since you came over to the manor , i love you . on the first day of year four and i kissed you , i love you . even to this day , when you looked me in the eyes in the bathroom , i love you . i hope you understand what has happened but i don't think i can do this anymore . run . run away from us and all we had . i missed you , i missed you so much . and i also wanted to say i'm sorry . for everything i did , i'm sorry .

love , draco <3

end of letter

flashes of your memories flew out of the letter once you were finished reading it . all of the good ones . all of them . you forgot what it felt like , this feeling .

A/N: idkkk i don't like this one :/ it'll probably be rlly different tmw or later on . . but whatever - ty for reading 🥺 and i hope you have a good day:)

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