~did you mean it?~

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A/N: omg so first of all... this story is all over the place i had like good ideas and i lost them- i've had like no motivation but i'm going to keep writing- uh.. thank you so so much for getting my story to 170 views !! check out my newest one so far if you like ron weasley !:) also sorry i haven't posted in weeks i've been so busy with school and stuff anyways-

"no you do not ," harry said rushing into the room with his wand pointing at draco . hermione and ron on his side . as always . they could be so powerful if they didn't make it seem like they were just his sidekicks . but they don't ever listen to what you say . ever .

"lift up your sleeve malfoy ," ron said from beside harry . draco looked over at you, searching for a way out .

"leave him alone !" you shot . hermione lifted her wand to point it at you .

"you'll understand soon y/n ," she said softly . they'll never listen to you . not until you do something that they have to listen to . draco looked at them and slowly lifted up his sleeve revealing his death mark . you were taken back at first , but you knew this was his fate . the whole line of malfoys had been death eaters . this was who he was meant to be .

"see ?! we caught him ," ron said looking over to you but keeping close watch on draco . you pushed draco behind you . which caused the group to give you confusing looks .

"i don't give a damn if he's a death eater . he's the love of my life ! you guys don't know draco . you never have and never will ," you yelled at them holding out your wand moving it back and forth between the three of them . "and you know what ?! draco is the only person that listens to me , even while being a death eater he's still better than all three of you ." hermione rolled your eyes at you .

"we've treated you just fine !" she said .

"oh please ! you don't even like me hermione . i heard you say it . and ron you don't like me either . and harry . ." you trailed off not knowing wether you wanted to say anything bad about him . "and harry you think you like me , but i can assure you . you don't . you like cho ." you said finally .

"we never said we didn't like you y/n we just said we didn't trust you !" ron yelled at you receiving him a punch in the arm from hermione .

"it's because i'm not in the same house as you . . you've always hated that i was a slytherin . and why ? because they have someone better than you and now you can't face it that i am better than you ?! all three of you . you're all cowards ! now excuse me . i must leave . i've got an important meeting with professor snape ." you said pulling draco behind you and rushing out the room . you exhaled .

you turned around and saw draco looking down at the floor . what's his problem ? you asked yourself .

"i don't care draco , about the mark ," you said trying to reassure him .

"i've done this , i did it ," he said softly, "i ruined everything, didn't i?" what?

-529 words-:))

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