~what we wished for~

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(711 words)
often , i found myself reminiscing the memories we had . like the time you said what part of astronomy you reminded me of . and i told you every part of it , i wanted to say 'because i love you' but i didn't . i just said 'every part because it's mysterious'


"y/n keep your eyes closed!" draco said sounding eager to take you to wherever he was dragging you . "here" he said softly prompting you to open your eyes . the astronomy tower .

"woah-" you started, "this is so cool!" you chuckled a little . it were really cool , you wished you could stay here together forever .

"i know you said you liked astronomy, and i wanted to show you this." he said softly . you turned to him and jumped in his arms , hugging him . he wasn't ever one for affection , but he hugged you back . you were happy . you had the perfect wish for your essay .
'i wish i could stay in the astronomy tower forever'


you sat in the farthest corner of the library thinking of year 1 . way back when you were happy . now you're doing this stupid essay asking about wishes . if there were truly any wish you would have it would just be to have draco back . or take away any memories you had ever had so you wouldn't get this feeling when you saw him . butterflies . they were called , you know it was wrong . you shouldn't get those , it was over . but you did . and everytime you saw his smile you mentally smiled . and now you were smiling thinking about him . someone bursts through the library doors like an animal and they rush over to you . you quickly make out the face . draco .

"y/n what the bloody hell" he whisper-yelled at you . you were confused you hadn't done anything to him . you could barely look at him without tearing up .

"i-i don't know what you're talking about," you stammered being truly confused . he glared at you .

"you don't know how to do potions correctly and now i'm stuck tutoring you," he said sitting down across from you . this was news to you , you thought you were quite good at potions .

"i'm sorry i didn't even realize i was," you stopped and noticed he had taken your journal . the sacred book that had all your thoughts in it . the ones about draco were freshly printed . they were all mainly about draco .

'dear draco,

i don't know if i should tell you this but you smell really good . yeah i shouldn't tell you that . it's weird now that we're dating . you know maybe you can become friends with my friends . also maybe you should hold my hand more , i know i told you i didn't like it but i do . it gives me butterflies . you give me butterflies . anyways byeeee .

~xoxo y/n december 14th 1996'

"is this your essay," he said opening it up to the exact page you were reading , a letter you wrote for draco in year 6 . you put your head down , you wanted to cry . you always just wanted to cry . and with that thought , you did .

"y/n..." he said , "are you- are you crying" you shook your head and wiped your tears . he had slowly placed the journal in front of you . "here just take the journal back," he said pushing it towards you . you wanted to push away and grab him and kiss him passionately . but instead you grabbed the book .

"thank you," you said softly . you felt him grab your hand . it had been so long . since he had touched you , since anyone has really . he rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand . he hadn't say anything , but with that . as quickly as the moment started . it left and so had he .

you had always wondered before what life was like without draco . miserable , life is just miserable . he was your muse , your sun . he was your shooting star . but now , he was a black hole . you got sucked into every memory involving him after just one look .

A/N: sorry this one is so short , i promise the next one is going to be at least 1000 words . hope you enjoyed !!:)

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