~so many years ago~

43 5 0

A/N i'm thinking abt starting each one with a flashback so i'll see how that goes
(902 words)
i hated arguing with you . i just want to say "ok i'm sorry i love you" but i knew that then you wouldn't understand , if i only knew you wouldn't ever understand . all of this , i wish it were just one big misunderstanding .


"do you know what my father would do if he sees me dating one of harry potters friends y/n?!" draco yelled at you . you hated when he did this . his harsh words made you flinch .

"why can't he just accept it?! harry is my best friend," you said in between his harsh words and your saddened feelings . "i dont even expect you to understand." you said , forcing to get a reaction out of him .

"what is that supposed to mean y/n ?! you think i don't care?!" he retaliated , you didn't think that . you knew he cared , if it were up to him he wouldn't care . you couldn't help but start to cry .

"you know what draco , fine i'm sorry . and i'm sorry you are to insecure to allow me to have friends that are better than you ," you said , just wanting him to say something . acknowledge how you feel . he opened his mouth to speak , but shut it . you stood there , tears in your eyes . while he stood , staring at you . neither of the two knowing what to do next . you thought he would hug you , you just wanted him to hold you . but he didn't . he just turned around to walk away .


potions was boring , as always . although you usually had draco there to cheer you up . he had switched seats last week . you knew it was bound to happen . but you thought maybe he wanted to fix things , to apologize . he needed to apologize . but alas , draco malfoy never apologizes . he just runs . but one day he won't be able to . to run away from his problems anymore .

"y/n!!" professor snape yelled . you had realized you were staring at draco , not on purpose . of course .

"s-sorry i was- i was just-" you stuttered . before being interrupted . you heard a snicker . draco . he was laughing at you .

"detention . and for you too mr malfoy" he glared back between the both of us . you haven't been in a room with just draco in weeks . many years it felt like . you turned to see hermoine giving you a look , the look read 'are you going to be okay' . but you just looked away .


you walked into the room you had just been in hours ago , noticing draco at one desk and snape working at his . neither of them looked up to you except snape just point to a seat next to draco .

"you two will be cleaning this room up ," he started , "with no magic" he finished holding out his hand for your wands . you handed him your wand and watched as dracos put his in snapes hand . after that snape left . leaving you and draco alone . neither of spoke , you waited for him to speak . but he didn't .

"h-how are you ?" you asked , trying to pull yourself together to say the words . draco looked up from his desk and just glared at you .

"you know , this is all your fault . if you weren't looking at me we wouldn't be in this position," he stated as he stood up . you wanted to hug him . you wanted him to come back .

"i- i'm sorry i wasn't meaning to look at you i just-" you got interrupted .

"it's fine whatever , let's just do what we're supposed to do so we don't have to be here anymore ," he said . but why . did he not miss you ? all of the memories you had ?

"i'm still sorry," you muttered under your breath . you bent down to pick up the things on the floor . "you didn't answer my question by the way.." you said , almost as if your brain had said it for you .

"what ?" he questioned , "my question you didn't answer it" you restated .

"i'm fine ," he said . his voice . you missed it , you missed how he would say 'good morning cutie' and how when you had sleepovers at the manor he would say 'goodnight luvie' . it was the little things you missed . although he- he was not a little thing . all of your misery revolved around him , one big thing . you stood there , you watched as he cleaned . you were in year 7 now , thoughts of year 4 , 5 and 6 were you best . you were happy then . you had him then .

"i- um" you started to say, "nevermind" you hesitated

"if you're going to say something y/l/n just say it," draco said . and again he broke your heart , he had never called you by your last name . not since year 1 .

"it's just , i'm- i'm sorry . for everything . i'm sorry i ruined your life , and i'm sorry that i could say i lo-" and then you got interrupted once again

"it's fine , i don't even care about it anymore ." he said . your world crumbled around you , you felt everything coming down . he 'didn't care anymore' but you did . why couldn't you be like draco and get over people easily . why did you have to tell him you loved him . why , why , why ?

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