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i asked you what my favorite color was . you didn't know the answer . i secretly prayed you were only joking . 'i'm joking' 'i'm joking' i awaited you to say . but instead you only said 'i forgot i'm sorry' i forgive you . i had always forgiven you . i was in love . i am in love . sorry you couldn't say the same .


"y/n , y/n , y/n" draco whined and bugged poking you after he said your name .

"what," you dragged out . you just wanted to read . but you wanted him there , just wanted him to shut up .

"what's your favorite quote?" he asked . he bugged you , for this ?! you strongly disliked draco at times .

"across the sea of space , the stars are other suns," you spoke . it was your favorite quote . you looked up to see how draco reacted . but he sat there , blank faced . "um , draco ?" you asked scared .

"sorry i fell asleep," he said laughing . you slapped him, "OW" he yelled . now you both were laughing .


every word spoken brought back memories of draco . you didn't know why . why you were so attached to him .

"that stupid git malfoy," ron exclaimed as you all approached neville . "of course he would do something like this, him and his home-life issues," you wanted to slap ron . you wanted to hit him so bad . he hadn't known draco like you did , nobody does .

"he isn't always like that ron," he looked at you as you said that . like you insulted his family . but you hadn't .

"are you serious y/n?! don't you see what he did to neville," he shot back at you . you just looked down at neville . draco had stopped doing that when you were together , you forgot what he was capable of .

"i-i'm sorry neville , but ron you can't say that stuff about him!" you yelled at ron after sounding sympathetic to neville . ron rolled his eyes at you . you wanted to hit him . anger . rage . that's all you felt whenever anyone talked bad about draco .


you hated this class . you hadn't before but now you do . all professor snape did was worship draco as if he were a god .

"very well , mr. malfoy," he said in a monotone sound . you looked over to see draco grinning . he was such a suck up sometimes , you knew that . and to your surprise he caught you looking at him . you quickly looked away but you knew he caught you . you just knew it . he had so much power , he could ruin everything about you . but you knew he wouldn't , he knew he wouldn't .

after potions you were approached . pansy parkinson . great . the last thing you needed was to be seen with dracos new girlfriend .

"stop eyeing my boyfriend y/n," pansy sneered . you rolled your eyes at her and tried to walk away . but you were stopped by someone . draco ? astoria .

"yeah , we both saw you giving him googley eyes , no wonder he broke up with you ," she said . you wanted to correct her . you wanted to say 'actually he broke up with me because' but your thoughts were interrupted . finally draco . you could see him again , even if it was so he could bully you . but he didn't

"pansy , go on . i'll deal with it ," he spoke . causing your eyes to dash to his . although he wasn't looking at you . he was looking at pansy as she walked away . you just wanted him to see you . "we meet up in the library at 7 , deal ?" he said , putting out his hand for you to shake . he pulled it back before you could put yours out . "you also have to help me with astronomy ," he said putting it back out . you shook his hand and looked down at your feet . you wanted to laugh , for the first time in weeks you wanted to laugh . you kept it to yourself , you knew he was bad at astronomy and was going to need help at some point . as you thinking of it he walked away . but you didn't care , the butterflies were still fresh .

~library at 7pm~

you walked in and noticed draco sitting at the same table you sat at yesterday . you slowly and reluctantly walked over to him . placing your books down at the table . deep down somewhere he felt butterflies , but you hadn't known that . across from him you sat , saying nothing but your eyes said something . something along the lines of 'i miss you' but you pulled your eyes away .

"we are making the draught of peace," he spoke "i've been stressed out lately ." you wanted to laugh , everything about being with draco made you laugh . maybe it were the memories that came to your mind . or maybe the feeling of his presence . but you were happy around him .

"um ok ." you said softly . he placed a bunch of ingredients in front of you and slammed a book in front of you . reluctantly , you started to make the potion .

"no you're doing it wrong," he said in a harsh tone, "it's supposed to be like this ," by now he was up standing over you . his hand on yours , stirring the potion .

"s-sorry , thanks" you said stuttering a bit as he walked back to his seat . you finally finished the potion . and slightly pushed the potion over to draco . he looked at you , you knew what the look meant 'i'm sorry for being so mean' . but alas draco malfoy never says sorry . he just bottled up the potion .

"now come on ," he said getting up and walking over to help you up . you could tell you gave a confused look . "the astronomy tower , lets go." weeks . that's how long it's been since you've been up there . it reminded you so much of him . but you got up and headed up there with him . you walked in the room behind him , while memories came flashing back . so many memories . so many happy memories . he sat on a stool in front of a telescope where you sat at the one next to him .

he focused hard at the telescope , before he said it .

"what's your favorite color again y/n" he asked . you figured he were joking but he wasn't . he was staring at you awaiting an answer . you opened your mouth to speak . "i'm joking . it's y/f/c right ?" you smiled . a smile . a real smile .

"yeah ," you said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and looking back at your telescope . and now , now if you truly didn't before . you remembered you loved draco . you wanted to tell him 'draco i still love you' but you couldn't . you just looked up at him , he was staring at you . again there they were , the butterflies . before you could say or think anything he kissed you . you felt his soft lips crash into yours , allowing you to unlock a new memory .


you and draco were alone . walking outside , the cold air brushing against your cheeks . but dracos arm kept you warm . there was something you had been wanting to do for a long time . this would've been the perfect place .

"dr-" you both started to say . you have him a nod saying he could go first .

"y/n i really want to kiss you right now . ." he said . the words giving you a shiver down your spine . that's the feeling , the butterflies . and then he did it . he kissed you .


but as that memory faded . he lightly pushed you off of him .

"i-i can't do this y/n," you were confused . HE kissed you . "i can't pretend i hate you ," he said .

"pretend ? y-you don't hate me ," you asked softly . a weight lifted off your shoulders . he shook his head .

"i have to explain , but you have to listen ,"

A/N: I HAVE A RLLY GOOD IDEA- but okk hiii !! i again hope you enjoyed also i'm #160 in dracoxreader- not rlly a big deal but it is for me 🥺 i hope you enjoyedddd

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