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Aphmau's POV:

When someone loves you they will do anything for you. I have experienced this first-hand. I am Aphmau, previous lord of Phoenix Drop and leader of the Phoenix Alliance. As far as I know I have had three people in that situation mentioned earlier. Laurance, Garroth and..., Aaron. Laurance first sacrificed himself to save Castor and I in the Nether. He died then came back as a Shadow Knight. Garroth, held off Zane in the Irene dimension while we escaped. And Aaron, he died to save everyone from Zane's evil ways and get Garroth out of the Irene dimension. All three of them have done countless things to help me. I just can't repay any of them back... What we didn't know was that there was a bigger threat than Zane and he was just the tip of the iceberg. Our entire lives changed after the night Aaron died.

Laurance's POV:

Love..., something not to be left by someone like me. I am Laurance Zvhal, guard of Aphmau and one of her admirers. I am also a Knight of Shadows. I scarified myself helping Aphmau and Castor escape the Nether and was reborn to what I am today. After Aaron died everything changed. We thought that with Zane gone life would be better. But things continued to change for the worse. An ancient foe is back and it will take all of us to defeat him.

Garroth's POV:

I am Garroth, previous head guard of Phoenix Drop and guard of Aphmau. My brother, Zane, is now dead. The world should be at peace right? Well, wrong. Tul'la is still invading my home and a Shadowy figure is back to get revenge. Well, war would be normal depending on who you're dealing with but we are facing two possibly at the same time. The lady I love is in mourning and probably will never feel the same for me as I do her, and my brother in arms is struggling. What we are all about to face could bring us closer or tear us apart.

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