Chapter 1: Up For Another Adventure?

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Aphmau's POV:

After Laurance had met us in the scared forest after thinking we were Zane, we all decided to go back to Alliance Island. I remember what Vylad told us about The Calling, its something that happens to Shadow Knights who stay too long in the overworld. When we got aboard the ship Garroth, Katelyn and I decided to stay above deck to talk while Laurance went to sleep. I noticed that Laurance was distracted the entire time we were coming back. 

Katelyn must have seen my worried expression, "Aphmau?", she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Katelyn?"

"I noticed that you have been looking at Laurance very often, something between you too?", she asked smirking. 

I could see that Garroth jumped out of shock and I did too, "What no Katelyn! I was just thinking about what happened today that's all."

"Well, aren't we all?", Katelyn said, "Relax Aphmau, I'm sure that if Laurance wants help he'll ask for it. Now you go downstairs to rest while I help Garroth navigate the ship."

I nodded and went down. I then saw Laurance sleeping peacefully on the bed. It was nice to see someone relaxing after everything that is happening with the Tul'la region. I went to lay down to the bed next to him and dozed off to sleep.

**********Time skip morning**********

I woke up hearing Katelyn yelling to everyone that we were almost at the island. Finally. After we walked off the boat we were greeted by everyone who was on the island. I decided that I should go see a certain man about something and went over to his house.

"Vylad!", I called out knocking on his door.

"Oh, hello Lady Aphmau, I'm on the roof, come inside!", he answered.

I walked into his almost finished house and he came down soon after. "Well, at least you're doing a better job than Laurance and Travis on you house.", I remarked laughing.

"Yeah, but I know that you didn't just come to admire my handiwork."

"You're right, we were attacked by Laurance earlier today but we quickly resolved it as a misunderstanding. I thought you were watching him.", I told him.

"Sorry about that. When he heard that Zane was back he wanted to see for himself, honestly I wanted to know also. But when I saw who it really was I knew it would be okay."

"Well a heads up would be nice next time."

 "I'll be sure to do that."

I walked out of the house and since it was getting late I went to turn in for the night.

Laurance POV

I walked into my house after coming off the boat and began thinking to myself.

*sigh* I can't believe I almost killed Aphmau just because of some stupid thought. Ever since I became a Shadow Knight and The Calling it has been harder to think clearly. Hmm..., maybe I should tell Aphmau and the other's about this. No, they have enough on their plate especially Aphmau, she has to lead an entire village alliance, and be thinking about war with the invasion of Tul'la. Not to mention my outburst at her and Garroth a few weeks after Garroth's return when Aaron died. I was then interrupted by a knock on the door, it was Katelyn.

"Oh hey Katelyn.", I greeted her.

"Hey Laurance, Aphmau wanted me to tell you that tomorrow morning we are going to be scouting out more of the island and wanted to know if you'll be coming."

"Oh, sure. What time will you be ready?", I asked her.

"A few hours after group breakfast."

"Okay thanks bye Katelyn.", I said while she left.

Well, it looks like tomorrow I'll be going on a group trip. I just need to work on controlling my shadow.

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