Chapter 12: Menphia's Relic!

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Aphmau's POV

I followed Laurance out into the forest where he sat by the lake. He seemed distracted by something. I crept up close and it seemed like he was talking to himself. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

"A-Aphmau? What are you doing out here and this late?"

"I should be asking you the same thing. Is everything ok?", I question.

"Hmm, yeah.", he said looking and the lake then up at the stars. So did I.

"Wow! Its beautiful.", I commented.

"Yeah, it is."

"What? No cheesy pick-up lines?"

"No..., not tonight.," He said and paused for a bit, "Aphmau?"

"Yes Laurance?"

"I-it's nothing. Never mind. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened on the ship."

"It's okay Laurance..." I answered, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"YES APH, I'm fine.", annoyance clear in his voice like on the ship, "We should probably head back to the tavern.", he said getting up. I nodded. We both went to our separate rooms and I drifted off to sleep. I found myself this time in at the place I saw Garroth while he was in the Irene Dimension.

"Garroth?", I said when I spotted him.

"Aphmau.", he said running up to me.

"Why are we here? We were just a room away from each other.", I asked him.

"That's because I wanted to speak with you", we turned around to see Lady Irene. "As you both know Shad is back. And since you are looking for the relic of Menphia and her descendants then I decide to trying and help in anyway possible. I remembered something; you should check on a mountain to the east of where you are. There should be a hint to where the relic is or to her descendants. Only descendants of the divine can open the door though." The bell then chimed signalling us it was time to go.

When I woke up everyone except Garroth and I where at breakfast. I went to go into his room to check on him and I saw Laurance in there too. He was reading the book before.

"Hey Laurance. Watcha got there?"

"A-Aphmau!", he said surprised, "Its just a book."

"*sigh* Laurance...," I stopped when I saw Garroth wake up.

The three of us went downstairs to have breakfast and told the others of our plan. We walked to the east toward the mountain and came across a door much like one at Enki's Island. It opened for Garroth and I and we all went in. I kept an eye on Laurance cause I don't think we need another stolen book on our hands. Nothing upon entering seemed to catch his interest so I put myself at ease. This time the books weren't empty, but were in a foreign language only Garroth, Travis and I could read and I could tell Laurance could read some of it. In the first book we thought was important there was a riddle inside of it.

"To save our world and find the Relic, let your heart fly with all sorts of acrylics!", I read aloud.

"What the hell does that mean?", Katelyn stated.

We all thought, looking around the room looking for any other hints. No other books had any clues, so what could it mean? My eyes gazed over at a bottle of paints and brush sitting on a table beside an easel. Could that have been what it meant by acrylics. I wanted over to it and read the label, 'Acrylic paints'.

"Guys I think I found something!", I yelled to the others excitingly.

"So, what are we supposed to do with this?", Travis asked.

Katelyn spotted a writing on one of the paint bottles and read, "The Relic will be revealed, when you have painted the battle when a foe was sealed."

"Why can't they just tell us the answer in simple words.", Travis groaned again.

I looked at the corner of my eyes and saw Laurance looking at a mural inside the cave-room beside him and I walked over.

"Laurance have any ideas?"

"The riddle might mean the battle of the Divine Warriors and Shad, when the sealed him away."

"You might be right but...It said paint, we don't have enough paint to do the mural."

"I don't think we actually have to paint the battle mural; we might just have to look for a hidden button on it.", he said walking up to the mural and running his hand over it. I did the same.

We found a button and pressed it revealing the Relic floating down to us.

"Oh my Irene! We did it!!!", I yelled as everyone gathered around the relic floating in mid-air.

"Well, all we need now is someone to bear the relic.", Katelyn stated.

We walked out of the cave and I started to wonder, the bearer must be a descendant or like the goddess. Katelyn, if she wanted, would be a good fit. After all, we can just give the relic to the first descendant we meet, they might be corrupt.

We were only quarter way down the mountain, Katelyn and I were at the back, so I decided to pop the question to her.

"Katelyn, would you like to be the bearer of the relic?"

"Aphmau, are you actually asking me this?!", she said trying to hide her excitement and be calm.

"Yes, of course Katelyn, I think you would be the right choice for it."

"Aphmau! *Ahem* When we get back to the Alliance Island you could ask Irene and Esmund if they think it's a good idea. And then I'll accept if they say yes.", she told me after beginning to squeal for a bit.

"Okay god idea, we're heading back to the boat now right?", I asked her.

"Yes, we are. We can't go into town with the relic or it might get stolen. I'm just thankful we haven't come into any problem while we are here."

"Well, that may be because we checked into the inn, saying we were from Tul'la to avoid suspicion of being spies."

"Good idea Aphmau."

 We arrived at our boat-Chad was already there waiting- and sailed back home.

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