Chapter 2: What in the name of... Irene?!

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Aphmau's POV

After breakfast Garroth, Katelyn, Laurance and I continued to scout out the island to see if there were any threats and if you could find any more clues to Irene since it was her Island. After a while of searching we came across a strange building. As we drew closer to it I felt a strange but familiar aura like when we were at the Irene dimension. I glanced over to Garroth and could tell he was uneasy also as well as Laurance. But Laurance looked a lot more so. I wondered why. We were about to walk into the building when Laurance said he would stay out here and keep watch, I then nodded.

We went inside to investigate ready for what ever may come at us. As we ventured in further, the presence became stronger. The building's outside looked worn down but the inside was lined with quartz and purple. There was a mural at the end of the corridor that looked like the one in the temple back at the camp. In front of the mural sat six pedestals with each of the divine warriors symbols, Irene the Matron, Enki the Keeper, Esmund the protector, Menphia the Fury, Kul'Zak the Wanderer and Shad the Destroyer. I walked up to the one bearing Irene's symbol and traced my hand over it. I saw Katelyn and Garroth walk up to the other's to examine it, Katelyn went to any random one while Garroth went to Esmund's and traced his hand over it. As soon as I traced my finger over the symbol I felt dizzy and last thing I saw was darkness before I saw Garroth fall back too.

I found myself in a white void like space with Garroth. "Garroth! W-what, how?", I began, I had no idea as what I should be asking but I could tell he didn't know either.

"I don't know Aphmau, but I just felt dizzy after touching the pedestal.", he responded.

"Same-", I was cut off by a voice that sounded familiar.

We both turned around to see a male and a female, both looked familiar..., they looked like us! The male looked like Garroth and the lady looked like me. Garroth instantly went into a fighting pose in front of me.

"Heh, he's a lot more like you then I thought Esmund.", the female said, wait Esmund! They both saw our shocked faces and gave us a warm smile, "I am Irene and this is Esmund. I'm guessing that you two have found the island with the original temple and the building with the pedestal."

We both nodded, these two were the divine warriors. "Where are we and why are we here?", Garroth asked relaxing a bit and so did I.

"You touched the pedestal in the Divine Hall did you not? That's how you got here. Both of you are descendants of both Esmund and I and in a way are our incarnations.", Irene said.

"What? So you're us and were you?", Garroth questioned.

"Not exactly let's just say your our descendants before this gets too confusing.", Esmund replied and Irene nodded.

"So why are we here? Was it to meet with you only or...?", I asked them I was still amazed by how they looked so much like us.

"Yes, we wanted to meet with you, but also wanted to tell you that Shad is back and you should be on your guard."

"Understood, we will do just that.", I said. We then heard a bell chime just like that of when I met Garroth when he was still in the Irene Dimension.

"Before you leave, If you ever want or need to come here again just touch the symbols again.", Esmund said before a lash of white engulfed me.

Garroth's POV

I woke up after a shine of light still back at the camp in Aphmau's house, Aphmau in a bed adjacent to mine. I sat up and saw Katelyn pacing up and down to floor. "Katelyn?", I called.

"Oh my Irene Garroth, what happened? If you're ok that means Aph's okay!", she shouted. Emmalyn heard that I was awake because of that and started questioning me. Apparently Katelyn had told her that I too had a relic, that of Esmund. I told them both what happened and what I saw, soon after Aphmau woke up.

"Aphmau!", Katelyn practically screamed while running up to hug her. She didn't have to repeat what she saw because we basically saw the same thing. Emmalyn and Katelyn walked out the room a few minutes after Levin and Malachi, who apparently heard the news came to check up on us. After those two left I sat on the bed wondering about what we saw.

"Garroth?", Aphmau called.

"Yes Aphmau?"

"What do you think about this whole ordeal?", she asked me. What was I to think, I am a descendant of a divine warrior and we are now learning that Shad has come back.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all I suppose.", I told her.

"I feel the same, but at least we now have someone to help us control our forms.", she told me.


"Hey Garroth, have you seen Laurance, I know that he helped Katelyn carry us here after but I would have thought that when news came out that we were awake he would have come running to see if we were ok."

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe we will see him at dinner since it will be time soon.", I told her.

"Yeah. Oh, and please don't tell Laurance about this yet, and please ask Levin and Malachi to do the same." I nodded.

She then told me that she was going on a walk to think about things and if she is lucky, find Laurance.

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