Chapter 6: I Need Answers

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Aphmau's POV

After getting new clothes on I went downstairs to make sure the house was clean and prepare dinner. Garroth came up and started to help after a few minutes I started. A few minutes after we finished I heard Vylad at the door. "Hi Vylad!", I said.

"Hey Aphmau.", he said as I gestured him inside.

"Hey Vylad.", Garroth said giving his brother a hug and he returned it. We sat down and ate the meal provided and then after a little bit of small talk I decided to pop up the questions I had in mind.


"Yes Aphmau?"

"Umm, I know you told us not to really interfere with Laurance and all...,", I started.


"Well, I just wanted to know if there was any way perhaps we can help."

"So you want to try help Laurance through this? Umm... I don't really know."

"Huh?", I questioned how does he not know when he himself is a Shadow Knight.

"I never really stayed on the overworld for long once it happened. And besides, I didn't exactly have anyone to help me either."

"Oh.", I said. "And as a said before we shouldn't try to interfere. He needs to notice he isn't normal."

"Vylad I noticed that Laurance was a bit uncomfortable when we went to the divine hall, do you have any idea why?"

"I'm not entirely sure. You said that Irene was there right? Well maybe he's just not used to..., feeling her presence as strong as it was. Shadow Knights were made to defeat Irene so it would make sense why he was agitated. I have to get going. Good-bye Aphmau." Vylad said leaving the house.

We said our good-byes and retreated for bed. Just as I was laying down I thought of what I would be doing tomorrow. Garroth had already asked the others if they were coming, and so all that really needed to be done was to get the ship ready. I then drifted of to sleep. In my dream I found myself in a black void.

"Huh, where am I?", I said aloud to myself. "Hello!", I called out. A figure approached me, it was..., AARON! "A-Aaron?"

"Hello Irene.", that didn't sound like Aaron but it was his body. Why did he just call me Irene. "Hmm... oh you must be her reincarnation. Then you must not of course now who I am unfortunately. *sigh* You'll find out in due time. Oh, and tell Laurance hi for me. This is going to be fun.", he whispered the last part while disappearing into the void. Bam! I suddenly woke up. What in the name of Irene was that?! He seemed to know me but only as Irene, and he had Aaron's body.

'Tell Laurance I said hello.', what.

After waking I went downstairs for some water to help clear my head. I must have been loud because Garroth came into the kitchen. "Aphmau? Is everything okay?", he asked me. I shook my head no and told him about my dream.

"If you want I could escort you to the Divine Hall, to talk with Irene.", he suggested.

"Thank you Garroth." We walked to the building and touched the symbols.

"Hello Aphmau, what brings you here at this time of night?", Irene asked warmly, Esmund was not with her this time. I told her about my dream and she thought about it for a bit. "Follow me,", she said to both of us while she motioned with her hand. We walked up to a house that was well kept and sat down in the garden in front. Esmund walked out of the house and joined us.

"The man you saw in your dream Aphmau was not Aaron but Shad. He has used Aaron's body to come back as a physical being.", she explained.

"Since he was a descendant his body was able to be used.", Esmund said.

Seriously can't someone just die honourably and not be disturbed. But, oh, that's why he said hi to Laurance. Wait would Shad being back affect Shadow Knights? I asked Irene this. "I am not sure. I know not of how the Nether works or how some things work there." *sigh* If that is the case then, we need to be there for Laurance and probably Vylad.

"That means we should try to find the rest of the descendants and relics."

"Yes, I think you should be going now after all you have a trip to go on.", Esmund said. And with that brightness engulfed us and we found ourselves back in our dimension.

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