Chapter 10: Comfort

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Aphmau's POV

*GASP* I woke up from my dream sweating and panting and found Garroth at my bedside with a worried look on his face.

"Aphmau?! Are you ok?" It was morning when I woke up and my eyes were still adjusting to the lights and was processing my dream.

"Aphmau? Are you ok?", Garroth asked again.

"I-I-", I didn't know what to say.

"Aph, you were tossing and turning in your sleep when I came to wake you up this morning. Is everything ok?"

"Garroth, I-I saw Shad again."

"Aphmau...", he said in a tender voice.

"I saw you and everyone..., dead and Laurance was there. And h-he did something."

"Huh? What did he do?"

"He s-stabbed me. Then Shad came out of the Shadows and threatened me to hurt you and everyone else.", I said sobbing.

"Aphmau, its ok. I promise not to let anything hurt you. And I'll never leave you. I'm sure that Shad was only using that dream to scare you.", he said, now sitting on my bed side and combing through my hair with his hands.


"No buts Aphmau. I mean what I said. I will never leave you and I'm sure Laurance won't either. We're your guards Aphmau, and friends. We'll be there for you always. Nothing can change that."

"Thank-you.", I said burring my head in his chest still sobbing a bit. I could swear I saw he blushing..., if only he knew.

After we both freshened up and had breakfast we decided to met at the docks for everyone else to come. We were heading back out to the Tul'la region to find any clues about Menphia. When we got there we saw Chad there examining some random floral.

"Hello Aphmau!", he said coming up to my face.

"Hello Chad, what are you doing here?", I asked.

"I'm coming with you of course! I didn't come on you last adventure out and look how much I missed! This time we can take my boat since it is bigger and can carry extra cargo!", he said getting closer every time I stepped back.

"Oh, umm..., sorry we forgot to invite you last time Chad, I you want to come be my guess."

"Splendid! I shall go put my things on the boat then if you won't mind!", he said running off towards the ship.

"Wow. He certainly has some energy.", Garroth commented.

"Yep. He sure does." I then remembered the book I saw Laurance with. Should I tell Garroth? Maybe not. But..., I need to tell someone. Before I could open my mouth Laurance showed up with a small bag on his back, probably carrying that book I was going to mention.

"Good morning.", Laurance said as he walked over.

"Moring.", Garroth and I both chimed, only I hesitated for a bit. Laurance walked over to the ship to put his belongings down. Garroth and I were alone again. Maybe I shouldn't say anything about that book. When it becomes an actual problem I will.

Laurance's POV

I walked onto the ship to place my things on my bed and upon seeing Chad I felt agitated. Oh Irene, please Laurance don't snap at him. Aphmau is probably already wondering about your odd behaviour don't make it worse.

"Hello Laurance!", Chad shouted.

"Oh, umm..., hey Chad. I didn't know you were coming with us.", I responded with slight annoyance in my voice.

"Oh yes! Aphmau said I could come because I didn't want to miss out on anything interesting like last time!"

"Okayyyy then."

"Say, what book is that in your bag Laurance.", Chad said pointing to the book poking out of my bag.

"Oh, umm..., it's a book about umm.... rocks!"

"Really I had no idea you liked rocks! That's Fascinating! Well I'll leave you be now. I'm off to the deck to wait on the others!"

*Sigh* Maybe I should tell Aph and the other's what's going on.

"Do you really think they would understand?" Oh crap! That stupid voice!

"Who they hell are you! Tell me now!"

"You still haven't found out eh? Oh well, I told you before just ask Irene."

"What? You mean Ap-"

"I don't care what her name is! All I need to know is that she is Irene! When are you going to realise that you don't belong here! She doesn't care about you! Irene never did!"

What he said got my attention. It hurt a lot to hear but I shook it out of my head when I heard someone coming down the stairs. And that voice shut up also. Maybe I should just stay with people so this voice will keep quiet. It was Katelyn who came down the stairs.

"Hey Laurance."

"Morning Katelyn.", I responded as I watched her put her things on the bed.

"Hey what's that?", she said pointing to the book in the bag. Seriously, I forgot to close the bag properly.

"It's just a book."


"About things."

"What type of things?"

"Umm...., red things."


"It's none of your business Katelyn it's just a reading book."

"You can read when you're on a boat tossing and swaying? I respect you for that.", I said.

"Umm, thanks I guess.", I said becoming annoyed with the sudden attention to my book.

"Either way, Aphmau said since everyone is here we will be setting sail now. And heads up Lucinda is coming with us okay?"

"Ok noted." I said as I walked out of the room to greet everyone -ignoring my urge not to do so- and get some fresh air. Now that's something you don't have in the Nether.

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