The Last Cookie

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Pisces (m) x Scorpio (f)

She could smell the fragrance of rich chocolate from the kitchen. Scorpio was lying on the soft covers, exhausted from a long day at work. Her lacy nightgown exposed the delicate skin on her thighs.

Her eyelids were drooping and when a deep voice cut through the silence.

"Scorp, come down! I baked cookies."

"Just a sec babe. I'll be there."

Scorpio got out of bed and straightened her dress, putting on some rose perfume. Someone was going to have fun tonight.

When she went down, she saw Pisces taking the cookies out of the oven, flour smeared all over his clothes.

Scorpio went over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She reached up and brushed her lips across his neck.

Pisces grinned at her, "Cookies first, Scorp."

~ Ten minutes later, after devouring the cookies, there was only one left ~

"Split the last one?"

"Where's the fun in that?", Scorpio exclaimed. "I call for a competition."

"You're on Scorp. What do you wanna play? Mind reading? You laugh you lose? Charades? Or something hotter?", Pisces winked at her.

"Rock Paper Scissors.", Scorpio said, examining her nails.

"Rock Paper Scissors? What are we, five?", Pisces laughed.

"Hey, there's nothing kiddish about it! It's a professional and challenging game."

~ After five rounds of the 'professional' and 'challenging' game ~

"Scorpio come on, it's still a tie! We'll play something else."

"Fine", she pouted.

"How about, we seduce each other, and whoever blushes first, loses?", Pisces suggested.

"You are so naughty! I knew I'd found the right guy."

Pisces cleared his throat and leaned towards Scorpio. He took a strand of her dark hair in his fingers and started playing with it. His eyes travelled from her head to toe, taking in all of her curves. His lips brushed past the most vulnerable part of her neck and sucked on her smooth skin.

Scorpio sighed happily, forgetting about the poor cookie. Pisces's hands moved all over Scorpio's curves, taking it all in. He was about to unbutton her shirt, moving his tongue down her chest, lost in the sensation.

"Pi, where's the cookie?", Scorpio said, breathing heavily.

Pisces looked up and saw that the cookie they were making out over was gone. "Shit! Its Sagittarius.", they had completely forgotten that they had to babysit four-year-old Sagi. They thought she was asleep, but apparently she wasn't.

The small brunette was hiding under the table, crossing her legs, and munching on the cookie.

"Awwww come here you.", Pisces reached for her. He picked her up in his arms and kissed the tip of her nose. Scorpio watched him with her arms crossed, a smile forming on her face.

"You're going to make a really good father, you know."

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