Part 1. Kidnapped 1

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I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness. Pich black darkness. I tried to stand up but realized my hands and feet were tied up. "H-help" I tried to say but it came out so soft I couldn't even hear myself. I couldn't really remember anything I was out with friends and went home. I think I went home. This doesn't look like my room.

Suddenly the lights turned on. I flinch due to the brithness even though the light wasn't that bright. I took the opportunity to look around it looked like I was in some sort of sell. My hands were tied up to round things in the wall. It was des...

My thoughts were interrupted by a squeak from the sell door opening. A large man walked in with black hair that looked to my oily and dirty. He had a lot of tattoos and had some musle to.

"wh-who ar-are y-y-you" I asked in a very soft voice. He didn't say anything and just walked over to me he took something out of his pocket and said"Who am I prinsess? I am your worst nightmare. " and with those words he stabbed the object which I now know is a knife in my stomach. I screamed out in pain. I felt blackness taking over me. He slapped me in the face." Na ha Prinsess you ain't giving in just yet the pain isn't done yet."He put a cloth to the wound and it burned like hell." Can't let you die darling, boss will kill me but I will make sure you suffer. " he then took the cloth of and took out a bottle from his pocket poured some of the liquid on the cloth and pressed it back on the wound and once again it burned.

After a few hits and more cuts and the burning cloth I couldn't take it anymore and gave in to the blackness.


This book is not as high class as the others and I would realy like your comment on it good or bad cause I wanna improve as a writer so please let me know if something is wrong. But I don't want you to bad mouth every thing about my book. If you don't like it don't read it.

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