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The next few months went by without any events except the fact that Harry Potter became Seeker for their house. She wasn't shocked when he acted just like James did when he told her he was Chaser and Captain for Gryffindor team then.

Potions and the rest of her classes she breezed by, having to have done this already. She and Hermione were top of their classes, being the most rivals out there since James and Lily.

She glanced over at Snape discreetly as she stirred her Armortenia potion, the scents flowing towards her. She sniffed, turning her eyes away from the mother of pearl sheen. The familiar smell of the cologne Lucius had worn back then came to mind when she detected that. Her heart faltered when she smelled another scent—an unfamiliar one. It smelled like wet dog. Shaking her head, Lucy went back to stirring the potion.

"Twenty points to Gryffindor." Severus's voice said above her and she looked up to see him smirking down at her.

"Hello to you too, greasy monkey." Lucy yawned, not bothering to cover her mouth. Beside her, Ron Weasley held a snicker.

"I can't believe you remember that nickname. I suppose your mother told you it?" Severus asked.

"Well, what do you think?" She raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and left to lurk around some other poor students' cauldron and critique it.

"I can't believe you called him that and didn't get detention." Ron said to her after class as she, Harry and him went to Defense against the Dark Arts.

"My mother was his best friend back in school." Lucy replied. "And he visited us often."

Ron nodded, seeming convinced. Hermione on the other hand, seemed quite shocked that she had gotten twenty points for Gryffindor from Snape of all people.

Lucy walked off a few minutes later, heading towards the courtyard. She glanced about a few moments later before whistling a little tune to herself. She pulled out her wand and said: "Expecto Patronum." A flash of blue silvery light came out of her wand. She frowned, thinking of her happiest memory--meeting Regulus and Sirius for the first time--"Expecto Patronum!" this time, a corporeal Patronus-a Siberian Husky- appeared from her wand and walked around her, silently barking.

She didn't notice the figure who came up to stand next to her until he spoke: "Your Patronus is a dog?" Snape asked, watching the dog fade away.

"It used to be a cat. But certain events had made it change." at her words, Severus's frown formed.

"I remember. A Manx cat." He said. "But why a dog? Curious, that's all."

"Too painful." Lucy shook her head. "I've got a History of Magic essay to write that's due in two days. See you later, Sev." She waved before going to the Gryffindor tower. "Pig snout." She said, and the portrait swung open. Lucy clambered inside, only to see Harry and Ron battling each other in wizarding chess.

"I bet him ten galleons he's gonna lose." Ron told her when she sat down.

"Good luck, Harry." Lucy grinned.

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now