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Year five

"Lucius!" Lucy Evans Potter raced down the platform towards her blond friend, ignoring the other students that were still waiting to get onto the train.

"Lucy!" Lucius dropped his trunk and caught her in a hug, laughing. "It's been too long." He smiled.

"Only been a week since I saw you last." She corrected him. "You're overreacting." 

"Far too long?" Lucius drew back as if offended, but a smirk on his face told her otherwise. "Midear, time is limited these days. We must make every moment worthwhile." 

"Has Potter and Evans been infecting you too?" Lucy groaned, burying her face into his cloak. The vibration of his chest told her he was laughing at what she said. Although she had nothing against James and Lily, their relationship was too amusing to put into words. 

"Oi, are you going to give me a hug? Or am I the third wheel?" A familiar voice asked beside the two and Lucy pulled away to see Severus. He smirked at her. 

"You greasy haired monkey. Get over here." Lucy opened her arms and Severus laughed, pulling her into one of his rare bear hugs. What was rarer is that Severus didn't seem to mind her calling him a 'greasy haired monkey' but when other people called him that, he flipped out. The perks of being Severus's best friend. 

"You haven't changed much, Potter." He drawled, ruffling her short-cut black already messy hair. "I daresay that you're still the same girl I saw at the end of fourth term." 

"Don't get your hopes up, Snape." Lucy replied, smirking when the two Slytherins let go of each other. "There's still the Marauders." 

He groaned. "Why do you still hang out with them?" Severus hissed, crossing his arms. 

Lucius, sensing an oncoming Potter vs. Snape fight as always, tried to change the topic. "Hey, did you see there's a new broomstick coming out? I think I'll ask Father to get it for me for Christmas." He said. 

"The Green Serpent?" Lucy asked, suddenly interested. "I'd like to see Gryffindor try and beat us this year if we have one of those on our team." 

"Don't get your hopes up, Potter." Regulus was next to them suddenly. "I hear the other Potter is Quidditch Captain." He said darkly.

"Woo-hoo." Severus said rather dully if you asked Lucy. She sniggered, earning a nasty look from him. 

The train whistle blew and the four Slytherins hurried onto the train, not wanting to miss it. They pushed people aside trying to get to their normal compartment. 

"Are you still considering my request?" Lucius hissed, the moment he sat down next to  Lucy. 

"About next summer?" She frowned. He nodded, his eyes flicking back and forth from her to Regulus and Severus. "Well, I'd love to but...with You-Know-Who and everything going about, I'm not sure if it's safe to..." Lucy paused, seeing the three boys look at each other with apprehension. "What?" She asked. 

"Lucy...darling," Lucius said softly, looking away from her. "About him...we've been thinking about joining him. Think about it, everyone at Hogwarts would be pure-blooded, no filth or Muggle-born in the school. Simply magical." 

"You-Know-Who himself isn't pureblood." Lucy said, unable to stop herself from saying that. The three boys turned to her in shock. 

"What?" Severus breathed. 

"Not true." Regulus shook his head. 

"But all that talk about purebloods..." Lucius started. 

"Is a lie." She said fiercely. "Hogwarts will never be fully pureblood." 

Severus, Lucius, and Regulus stared at Lucy, their faces paler than usual. 

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now