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Year 7 (last year ;) )

"You have to eat something." 

"I'm not hungry." 

"Just a little bit of toast?" 

"I'm not hungry." 

"Please, Lucy." Lucius Malfoy sighed, staring at his friend. "I haven't seen you eat anything in the past few weeks." 

"I'm not hungry." Lucy Evans Potter repeated. It was too fresh in her mind. She only had one year to complete the second half of her task. And then she'd get sent forwards in time to her grand-father's school years to do her tasks there. She'd have to go through Hogwarts again. 

"What's wrong with her?" Stella McGrow, a fellow seventh year Hufflepuff friend of Lucy's sat down next to them, earning looks of displeasure from other Slytherins. 

"She won't eat." Lucius fretted. "Can you try to get her to eat before she starves herself to death?" 

"Lulu, please eat. You're worrying ittle baby Lucius here. He's fwightened for you." A Slytherin named Irma Opal frowned, but there were no teasing in her voice. She was truly scared for the Head Girl of Hogwarts. 

Lulu. Lucy's eyes pricked with tears. That's what Severus called her in his letters. 

Deerest Lulu, 

Sorry for not writing much. The Potions master has been giving me too many tasks. I'm afraid I might have to post-pone our annual Quidditch game at the Malfoys. Don't let Lucius win. I'll hunt you down if you lose with Black. How's being Head Girl? A lot better than being prefect, right? Don't let the first years get to you. Hahaha, I'm joking. Maybe. ;) Don't get ratted out if you do get to *cough* snog *cough* a particular person with long shiny blond hair. Hope to see you soon. 

-your best friend (try not to forget about that, Miss Potter), Severus Snape. 

Lucy sighed, twirling her hair around her finger. Lucius looked at her with worry still clear in his eyes. "Fine, I'll eat. Nothing big, mind you." She reached for a bread roll and Lucius watched, satisfied when she took a bite. 

"You're scaring me, love." Lucius said when they were walking towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom that afternoon. 

Lucy choked on her trail mix, coughing on a nut. Lucius pounded her back and she managed to dislodge the nut. She glared at him and Lucius raised his hands in surrender. Lucy noticed he was looking quite good for his last year at Hogwarts. His grey eyes twinkled despite the situation that was going to happen in a few years. His hair was the usual slicked back style he preferred it as. And he strutted about like he owed the place. 

The seventh year Head Girl of Hogwarts could stand Malfoy, she practically was his soulmate--they couldn't leave each other no matter the circumstances. And ever since Regulus and Severus had left Hogwarts, the two had been inseparable. 

Her mind flicked back to a letter she had written to James--yes, to James. 

Hey, Pottah,

Miss me already? I know Sirius does. He's sent me too many letters--some even on the same day. I've kept them all, of course, don't want to hurt the poor deer's feelings. How are you doing, by the way? Is Lily keeping you sane? Remember...don't forget about the rat. 

Yours deerly, Lucy Evans Potter (I'm related to you, don't you forget it. ;) ) 

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now