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"In first place is Ravenclaw, with three hundred and thirty-six points." Dumbledore said and the ravens cawed with cheers. "In second place, Gryffindor with three hundred and nineteen points. In third-Hufflepuff with two hundred and ten points. And in fourth place, Slytherin with two hundred and nine points." 

Lucy groaned, dumping her head in her hands. "My fault." 

Lucius patted her back. "Nothing's your fault, Lulu." He smiled. "It never is." 

"Thanks, Lucius." She smiled weakly but she spotted the Lestrange sisters glaring at her and she looked down at her plate. 

"However, recent actions have been done and points must be awarded." Dumbledore smiled at the Slytherins. "To Mr. Severus Snape, fifty points for earning outstanding on his Advanced Potions O.W.Ls." Lucy jerked her head to peer at Severus who was hiding a embarrassed grin. 

"To Miss Lucy Evans Potter...fifty points for completing her task. Which is still top secret and I may not announce it in front of you all." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled down at her and Lucy preened, Lucius shaking Regulus with excitement. 

"To Regulus Black...thirty points for taking heed of his friends.. and finally, to Mr. Lucius Malfoy, ten points for changing his ways for the better." Dumbledore finished. 

Lucy's eyes widened. They now had 349 points. They beat Ravenclaw. Lucius grinned at her and she found herself smiling back. 

"Which means we need a bit of redecoration." Dumbledore waved his wand and the blue and silver changed to green and silver, with the hissing Slytherin snake as it's symbol. "Well done, Slytherin." 

All around her, Slytherins were cheering. Even the Lestrange sisters had stopped giving her baleful looks. Suddenly, they found themselves all rushed out, their bags packed, owls in their cages. Lucy's cat was found lurking under Malfoy's bed. 

The countryside rushed past them as Lucius, Lucy, Severus and Regulus chatted about the last two's futures. 

"I was thinking about becoming a Potions Master for Hogwarts." Severus said, his arm wrapped around his best friend. 

"That sounds like a brilliant idea, Sev." Lucy smiled, but it was forced. Lucius noticed but he didn't comment. 

"I was thinking about becoming an Auror." Regulus said, his eyes flicking back to Lucius if he noticed how comfortable Severus and Lucy seemed in that position. 

"Good idea. We could be Aurors together." Lucius said. 

Severus's eyes caught Lily's when the train reached King's Cross as they stepped out of the train. They didn't speak, no words were left for each other. Lily gave him a little nod before joining Potter with his parents. Lucy turned to Severus and she smiled. 

"You go follow your own path." She whispered, hugging him. He hugged her back, not wanting to let her go just yet. "Don't let any of those gits get to you." Lucy smiled at him and without warning, pecked his cheek. 

Severus stood there, stunned, as she followed Regulus and his mother. A smile slowly crept onto his face as he watched his best friend leave. 

"So you like her?" Lucius asked, watching his expression. 

"Not in the way you do." Severus replied. "I love her. As a best friend." He turned to him with a fierce look in his eyes. "If-If you do anything to hurt Lucy Potter, I swear I'll make your life as miserable as hell." 

Lucius placed a hand over his heart. "I solemnly swear I will not harm Lucy Potter in any way, shape or form. If I do, then I will commit myself to death." He vowed. 

Severus seemed to accept that and he turned to go through the barrier. He felt eyes on him and he turned to see Remus Lupin staring at him, a faint knowing smile on his face. As if he knew everything Lucy did about the future. Shuddering slightly, Severus went back into the Muggle world and entered his new life. 

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now