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Christmas was her least favorite holiday, Lucy thought the minute she saw the Great Hall decorated in red and green Christmas lights.

"Too much holiday spirit makes me wanna puke." She plopped down next to Sirius at the single table in the hall. There were so few people that stayed at Hogwarts that there were no need for the huge house tables.

Sirius shot her a grin. "I can see that. You look all pale and--" He pointed at her hands. "Your hands are shaking."

She swatted at him. "You're a git, Black."

He snickered. "I know, Potter. It's a good quality of mine."

"Ah, Christmas time. One of my favorite holidays. Because there are so few of us at Hogwarts, it wouldn't be worth to set up the House tables." Dumbledore stood up, his usual wizard hat swapped for a Christmas tree hat. He looked over the single table in front of him.

Lucy peered at the students who had stayed here for Christmas. Regulus had stayed surprisingly. He was staring moodily at his chocolate pudding. Sirius too had stayed. There were three Ravenclaws and four Hufflepuffs that had also stayed.

Sighing, Lucy dipped a pretzel stick she had stolen from Sirius's plate into her own bowl of pudding. The Gryffindor gave her a disgruntled look.

"Thief." He muttered before taking a little cupcake from her own. He ate the icing first, licking his lips as he did so.

Lucy looked away, a bit eager to get out of the Great Hall. But Dumbledore had other plans. He had set up a muggle radio that was blasting Christmas songs.

"Now that we are all fed and watered, we will begin the contest." Dumbledore stood up, smiling.

"Contest?" A third year Hufflepuff named Holly Day called out.

"Yes, Miss Day. A singing contest, to be exact." Dumbledore continued to smile. "And our first match is Sirius Black and Lucy Potter."

Lucy groaned when she saw Sirius's face. He stood up, offering a hand out to her to help her up as well. Lucy accepted and the two went to the center of the room.

"Which one are we doing?" Lucy whispered to him.

"God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs." He said back.

She groaned again. "Let's get this over with."

"One, two three—." Dumbledore gestured to the pair.

Lucy started to sing in her low voice. "God rest ye merry, Hippogriffs, let nothing you dismay."

"For Lucy Potter will keep you safe upon this Christmas Day. And save you from the terror that You-know-who gave." Sirius sang back in his slightly higher voice.

"O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy." The two sang in harmony.

Through the lyrics, Lucy felt herself relax little by little. But all too soon, the song was over and the two students were looking into each other's eyes, each seeing each other as another person.

"Ah music." Dumbledore broke the spell, wiping his eyes. "A magic we all can do. Now, it is getting late. I will see you all tomorrow morning. Chop chop!" He clapped his hands and the few students left the Great Hall.

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now