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Year Six 

"What is the answer to question number 23...Miss Evans?" Professor Binns was droning about the homework answers but Lucy couldn't focus. The reason why is that stupid Sirius Black kept throwing tiny paper balls at the back of her head to get her attention. Lucy snapped her neck around and glared at Sirius who merely smirked. 

"What?" she hissed. 

"Wanna go to Hogsmeade with me, Potter?" He asked. 

"No." Lucy twisted back around in her seat. She heard James snickering. 

"Maybe next time, Padfoot." He patted Sirius's back sympathetically. 

"That's what, the fifteenth time she rejected you this week?" Peter Pettigrew, another Gryffindor in the class said. 

"You've been counting?" Sirius groaned and the three boys laughed. 

"Hey, Lucy." Lucius came up to her in the hallway after History of Magic. "Want to visit Hogsmeade with me after school lets out today?" He asked, walking alongside her to their next class. 

"Sure." Lucy smiled and they disappeared into Herbology. 

Sirius let out a prolonged shriek. "Why him and not me?" 

The crowd laughed before it dispersed. Lucius smirked when he heard Sirius's yell. 

"You must really hate Black to reject him." He said. 

"I spent 10 years of my life with him. I can hardly stand being in the same room as him." Lucy watched as Professor Sprout explained about Mandrakes, her eyes lit with fascination. 

Lucius watched her, a faint smirk on his face. Severus Snape was also watching her, but his eyes were soft--softer than how he looked at Lily Evans. Lucius noticed and he shot him a glare. Severus smirked and went back to watching Professor Sprout.

Lucy Evans Potter wasn't a bad Slytherin, she wasn't nice either. She was somewhere in the middle depending on what mood you caught her in. When it was that time of month, everyone stayed clear of her. Even Sirius knew to stop flirting with her. 

That afternoon however, was the final straw with the Marauders. Her and Severus were talking about the latest Potions test--making liquid luck. So when Lucy announced she was going to go back into the castle to grab something she had forgotten, she didn't realize what was about to happen. 

"Hey, Sirius. Look." James nudged his friend and the two boys looked over to see Severus waiting for his friend to get back.

"Excellent." Sirius said softly. "Snivellus." 

The two boys flounced over there, matching smirks on their faces. Severus held back an groan of annoyance when he looked up to see who it was. How Lucy dealt with Sirius for ten years he'd never know. 

"Where's your friend?" Sirius said loudly. 

"Out of your reach. Heard she rejected you again." Severus straightened, trying to keep calm and focus on what Lucy told him, Don't let them bother you, there's more gits in Gryffindor than actual people. A smirk formed on his face. 

"Yeah about that, I heard you haven't got the courage to even ask her out." James said, crossing his arms. "No wonder you aren't in Gryffindor." 

"There are more gits in Gryffindor than actual people." Severus blurted out, "I'd rather be in Hufflepuff." 

"Where'd you learn that from?" Sirius's eyes narrowed. He'd heard it before, from Lucy on their first day. 

"You already know-she did reject you after all." Severus said, eyes flicking back to the doorway to the castle. 

James huffed. "Well soon she's gonna see that you're the biggest, greasiest, stupidest git of them all." He flicked his wand and Severus found himself dangling by his ankle, his robes falling over his head. Around them, people laughed and Severus's face burned with embarrassment. 

"LEAVE HIM ALONE." For a moment, Severus thought it was Lucy. But she had told him her essay was in the Slytherin common rooms. 

"Aw, Evans." James sounded a bit softer. "We were just having a bit of fun." 

"Fun?" She repeated. "Fun? This is your idea of fun? You're sick, Potter. All four of you are sick. Now let him go." 

James sighed and Severus was not so gently set on the ground. He sat up, his hair disheveled. Severus glared at James about to go after him before someone beat him to it. Slap. Lucy was suddenly there, her hand still in the motion of her slapping Potter. Severus hid a grin and his mind when: Yas, Queen. It was something she often called after Lily after she rejected James again. 

James clutched his cheek and stared at her. "Wh-what? Potter-" He was stunned. 

"Ya know what, James Fleamont Potter," and he winced at his full name. "You are an idiot. I thought you were better than this. Turns out I was wrong, all male Gryffindors are gits. Even the ones who act nice are gits. I hate to say it to you, but we aren't even acquaintances anymore." Lucy glared at him like McGonagall often did when the boys came in late. 

"Come on Sev." Lily was trying to help him up, but his eyes were still on Lucy. What came out of his mouth next made all of them freeze. 

"I don't need help from filthy little mudbloods like you." He snapped. 

Lucy gasped, her face paling. Instantly, he regretted it when he saw the look in Lily's eyes. 

"fine." she replied coldly. 

"Severus--" Lucy walked to him and he accepted her hand, standing up. The two walked away with the stunned courtyard still staring at them. 

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now