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Lucy exhaled, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Almost entirely after she had announced Voldemort wasn't pureblood himself, it felt like the world was lifted off her shoulders. She felt relaxed even with her best friends processing all this new information.

"He lied to us." Lucian said in a hollow whisper.

Beside him, Regulus could only fidget nervously, casting a wary gaze out the window as if Voldemort was watching right now. Lucy could see the paleness of his face grow whiter every minute.

Severus folded his hands and stared at her with his black eyes. "Tell us everything." He said.

Regulus whipped his head towards her, his eyes wide. He knew who she was from when they were five years old. Lucius didn't know--it was the only thing she didn't trust him with. Severus...Lucy thought he figured it out. He was smart.

Lucy sighed. "All right, it's about time I tell you.."

My parents are Albus Potter and Lena Potter. I have two older sisters who have already gone off to Hogwarts and are supposed to be in their third year. You see, my father and his best friend had messed with a time-turner to get someone back that was supposed to be dead, but that failed. I don't know if them meddling in space and time is a thing in this family, but somehow I was traveled back in time to the year my great-grandfather went to Hogwarts--you know him as James Potter.

I think I was sent back here so I could learn a bit more about their experiences here and so I could stop some people who went bad to stay good.

"Hold up, a time-turner?" Regulus's eyes narrowed. "Your parents messed with a time-turner?"

"That's what he said." Lucy said and Lucius snorted at her words.

"So you're from the future." Severus said, gazing at her. "What happens to us?"

Lucy swallowed, before letting out a little dry chuckle. "Well, you all die or get sent to Azkaban."

Dead silence at her words. Regulus and Severus exchanged looks before turning back to her. It was Lucius who spoke up.

"And you?" He whispered.

"I don't know." Lucy replied honestly. "I'm not a seer. I only know things about the past."

Lucius shook his head, causing his gorgeous blond hair to swish gently across his shoulders. "I'm not going to be sent to Azkaban." He vowed. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Severus nodded. "Same here. I think..." He swallowed. "I'm going to reject You-Know-Who."

Lucy smiled, thinking of her father and why he was named who he was. "That's good." She breathed.

"Hang on, what was that you said about this summer? With Lucius?" Regulus asked, his eyes wide.

"I'm just trying to decide if I want to go to the Quidditch World Cup this year." Lucy defended.

"Wait, you invited her and not me?" Regulus turned to Lucius with an offended look on his face. "Mean."

Lucy sniggered. "Maybe next year, Reggie."

Regulus groaned before shooting her a look at the childish nickname. "I thought you gave up on that stupid nickname."

"I think it's cute." Severus said. "What other nicknames do you got for us?" He asked.

"Well, Regulus is Reggie. Lucius is Goldilocks or Peacock-brain. You're greasy monkey or Savvy Sevvy." Lucy smirked.

"Goldilocks?" Lucius snorted. "And Peacock-brain? Although I do adore the white peacocks at the Malfoy Manor..." He preened, "I suppose it does make sense."

"I have no objections." Severus smiled. "I think this will be a good year, especially now that we can go to Hogsmeade without being monitored by teachers."

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now