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Lucy strutted up to the stool just like she had first time and plopped down with all the arrogance in the world. Just like James Potter had done when he was first sorted. McGonagall dropped the hat on her head like it was a hot stone and she backed away.

Back again, Miss Potter? I knew you'd come back...your time is here at last. Now, the right choice for your house this time would be....Dramatic as always, the hat paused for at least a good five minutes, the great hall holding its' breath. She felt eyes boring into her back and knew it was Snape who was staring at her. "You'd best be in GRYFFINDOR!"

They gave her a standing ovation. She saw Percy Weasley and the twins cheering as loud as they could. Hermione was crying and she gladly moved over to give Lucy room to sit down next to her. She looked back at the table of teachers and Snape gave her a grin along with a thumbs up. She flashed him a peace sign and he laughed, causing Quirrel to look at him with shock.

"Blimey, is Snape smiling?" Percy asked when the feast started. Lucy looked back over at the table as she shoved a bread roll into her mouth and saw he was indeed still holding the smile he had given her.

"Strange. Professor Snape rarely smiles." Fred commented. "I wonder if you had something to do with it, Lucy." He grinned at her.

"I'll never tell." Lucy countered. Beside Fred, Hermione was trying to get Lucy's attention about a book she had read over the summer that was called Friendship Never Ends--it was written surprisingly by Lucius and was about her and his friendship back then.

When she looked back at Severus, he was making a funny face back at her and she snorted, doing one right back--crossing her eyes and folding her tongue into a U. Severus let out a loud laugh that even she could hear over the chatter. She saw McGonagall raise an eyebrow at him and looked back at her.

A message from Lucius came to her mind just then. It was one after she had 'died' in his arms.

My lost love, I'm so sorry. I have followed your advice and Severus and I had not become apart of 'Moldy Voldy' army as you called him. Instead, we had joined the Order of the Phoenix--a group of skilled wizards and witches that are fighting against old Voldy. I sometimes call him 'Squidward' as you called him in previous years. Sirius and Regulus miss you much as do I and Severus. Yours and only yours, Lucius Malfoy.

P.S. Oh by the way, did you know that Regulus changed his Patronus? It's now a dog, just like his brother's. I wonder what yours is.

Lucy smiled faintly to herself as she fell asleep in the first year dorms in the Gryffindor tower, Hermione's pet cat curled up next to her. Her hand rested on the creature and she fell into a deep slumber, no dreams at all.

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now