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Halloween. Lucy couldn't remember the last Halloween she'd actually celebrated. Actually, it was probably when she went to the Malfoy Manor in her sixth year.

The day flew by and it was now the Halloween feast. Lucy couldn't think anything could go wrong until Professor Quirrel showed up halfway through the feast.

"TROLL! TROOOLLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" He shrieked. "Thought you ought to know." Then Quirrel fainted.

Almost instantly, people panicked. Lucy along with Ron and Harry, gave the others weird looks. 

"It's a troll. You have magic." Lucy said exasperatedly. "You'd expect at least the seventh years not to panic." 

"Clearly they aren't smart enough to use magic against a troll." Ron said, earning a snort from her. 

"Come on." Harry looked back at them. "Maybe we can catch it." 

"Catch a mountain troll, Harry? Are you insane? This isn't Pokemon Go." Lucy tromped after him. 

"What's that?" Ron asked Lucy, clearly interested.

"A Muggle game. You wouldn't know." Lucy replied. 

"Don't get sassy on me Potter." Ron said. 

"You were the one who asked." Lucy shot back. 

"Shush." Harry covered their mouths and the three peeped their heads around the corner. They watched a huge creature with a club lumber towards a doorway. "Now!" They dashed towards the door the troll had entered and closed it, locking it. 

Harry, Ron and Lucy gave each other grins and walked back towards the Gryffindor common room. Near the hallway exit, Lucy realized something. Ron seemed to remember at the same time. 

"At the feast.." Lucy said slowly. 

"Hermione ran off crying." Ron said. 

"Towards the girls' bathroom." They said together, turning towards the room they had locked the troll in with dread on their faces. A female scream sounded a second later. 

"HERMIONE." The trio raced towards the bathroom, quickly unlocking it and rushing in. 

Lucy gaped up at the hideous creature, stunned into silence. She barely heard the shouting of her friends before a pipe thrown by Ron hit her in the head. "Bloody hell!" She growled. 

"Don't just stand there, do something!" Ron yelled. 

"What?" Lucy bellowed back. 

"You have magic!" Harry called from his spot on the troll's head. 

"So do you!" Lucy said. 

"Are you a witch or not!" Hermione shrieked. 

"Right!" She pulled out her wand and aimed it at the creature-- "Stupefy!" 

A stun spell. The troll looked down at her dazed then Harry stuck his wand up the troll's nostril. Lucy shuddered. The troll wobbled back and forth before crashing down right where Lucy used to stand before she got out of the way. 

Ron helped Hermione up and the four students turned to see a group of teachers standing there, shock clear on their faces. Snape gave Lucy a look that clearly meant 'What the hell were you thinking?' Lucy stuck her tongue out at him and he had to turn his head to hide his smile. 

"Professor-" The other three tried to jump in with explanations. 

"Silence!" McGonagall said and they fell silent. "Severus, take Lucy to see what you can do about her injuries." She stared at the two before turning to the other students. "I'll see to these three." 

Snape nodded, before roughly grabbing Lucy's arm and dragging her away. 

Snake of Slytherin - Lucius Malfoy/Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now