I stay home from school for next three days. When I go into school on Friday morning feeling nervous. I hate using my crutches they hurt my arms which you think they wouldn't hurt you. Anyway when I get to my first class with Ava's help since she in my class I see Gavin. I catch him staring at me all through class.
I whisper to Ava, "What a creep Gavin is! He keeps staring at me."
She looks at him and makes kissey faces at me. I playful punch her on her shoulder. Later on in the day when I am waiting alone for my mom to pick me up I see someone under the bleachers. I hopple over on my crutches. I hear them crying.
"Hello? Are you okay?" I ask them.
They stood up quickly, "Yeah I'm fine...wait... Hazel?"
"Sabrina whats wrong? Why are you crying under the bleachers?"
She steps out. "Just been a rough few days."
"You can talk to me about it. Why don't you come back to my house?" I ask Sabrina.
She accepts my invitation. I hear my mom honk the car horn and we get in. When we finally get home she helps me up the stairs. My mom brings us some snacks and leaves.
"Tell me everything darling." I tell Sabrina.
She says to me. "Well you know how the other day when we were at the park having a snow ball fight. Well I snuck off to your house with your brother and no one was home. We were planning on just hanging out and all but I told him how I loved him. We made out for a bit then we had sex. I know if went way too far and happened so fast. We didn't use any protection and I'm scared that I may be pregnant. When I went to go tell Mike I saw him kissing another girl."
I froze. I couldn't speak or move. Sabrina. Mike. eugh. I tell her. "O mi gosh! Sweetie did you get and take the morning after pill?"
"Whats that?" She asks me.
I shake my head. "It prevents you from being pregnant. Oh my this is quite the dilemma. We'll get through this together. I could talk to Mike for you and beat him up for scamming you like that."
"No no don't hurt him just talk. I should be the one to tell him. But could you come with me to get a pregnancy test and take it?"
I hug her. "Of course sweetie. I'll always be here for you. Always."
We go down stairs to my car. She drives it to the pharmacy. We put on sunglasses and scarfs around our heads like old ladies in disguise haha. She helps me over to the pregnancy test. When we see then we get the recommended brand and we also got some condoms for whenever. We go to the counter and the guy looks at us weird.
Sabrina says, "What did you never seen two women buy a pregnancy test and condoms before?"
He rings us up quickly and Sabrina hands him the money. We leave and go back to my house. When we get there we go into my private bathroom. She goes to the bathroom and then we wait a few minutes to read the test.
I tell Sabrina. "If it comes back negative I'm going to buy us some Champagne and we're going to down the whole bottle."
The next ten minutes was filled with horrible silence. Sabrina was trembling and I tried to calm her down. Then when it was time she picked up the test and read it.
"It's..negative! Thank god!" Sabrina hugs me and cry's tears of joy.
We hung out for a bit until she was picked up. I walked down the hall to Mike's room. I take a deep breath and knock on his door.
He opens the door. "What?"
"Can I come in? I need to talk to you."
He lets me in and I sit on his desk chair. "We need to talk about Sabrina."
"Ugh. What about her?" He moans.
I glare at him. "Don't you dare moan at me. You used her for unprotected sex. Do you really want to be a father at 17?? Didn't think so. If you ever use one of my friends again I will hurt you. She loved you so much but you didn't."
"Well is she pregnant?" Mike asked.
I shake my head. "No she's not but you owe her an explanation and a apology."
"Fine I will talk with her tomorrow at the coffee house."
I walk out the room and think about the day. I get a call from Jeydon and smile.

The Middle Of No Where (Luke Wale Fanfic)
Teen FictionHazel Princeton lived in Austin, Texas ever since she was born. Now she's 16 and her dad just got a promotion in Canada and has to move all the way to another country. When only she realized one day she bumps into this hot tall dirty blond hair bo...