Chapter 7: Gavin

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Today is the first day of winter. It's been snowing since October so not much has changed weather wise. Jeydon is taking me out to meet his family tonight which I'm nervous about. His parents are divorced but agreed to go out together and meet me. Jey also has a younger sister and older step-brother but he can't make it. We're going to this Steakhouse. I go through the school day deciding on what to wear. While walking in the hallway I'm more focused on talking to Sabrina and Danny on what I should wear I didn't see the person I bumped into.

"Ow!" I shrieked.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry it's my fault. I'm in a rush." Gavin told me.

I shake my head, "Honestly it was my fault. Haha!"

He picks up the things that fall out my hand. Our hands touch and he stares right at me. I don't look up until I feel him staring into my soul.

"Are you okay Gav?" I ask him.

He shots up really quick and we knock heads and then my earring is stuck on his shirt. The neck part. Great.

"Ow! Don't pull away. Stand still." I yelp in pain.

Gavin holds on to me for balance. Then we decided the most comfortable spot was to sit down I had to sit on his lap. Sabrina helps while Danny just laughs. Of course!

"Hazel your going to have to take out your earring." Sabrina says.

I try to take it off. "It won't come off!"

"I have an idea but it might hurt or make you uncomfortable." Gavin starts to say.

Sabrina says, "Take off your shirt."

Gavin says yes and I feel super uncomfortable. He starts to take it off and my ear pulls hard. Then when he got it off I cut the string that was wrapped around my ear. When I finally look at Gavin I see that he's super ripped. Six pack abs, mad definition he looks like a Greek god. Omg what am I saying?!?!

"That's much better. He's your shirt Gav." I toss it to him.

Gavin says. "Well if you ever want to get an earring stuck on my shirt again just ask!"

I laugh and then look into his eyes. There brown and have stars. Then realize that Sabrina and Danny are just standing there in awe.

"Okay Gavin. I'll see you around."

We walk away from him and then the questions hit me right in the face.

"Girl what the hell was that about!? You can't go running around stealing all the hot men!?" Danny hollers at me.

Sabrina asks me, "Did you feel something when you saw into his soul?"

"Guys! Just chill okay? I just need help finding an outfit for meet my boyfriends parents." I tell them.

We continue to walk to class. The rest of the day was uneventful. I can't stop thinking about Gavin and I really want to stop. After school Luna, Sabrina and Danny come over my house. My brother volunteers to drive home which is strange since he hates being seen with me. When we get home we all go into the kitchen to cook some coffee and brownies but Mike went to go watch TV.

"OMG! Luna did Hazel tell you about what happened with Gavin today?!" Danny blurts out.

I roll my eyes. Luna says, "No what happened?"

Danny and Sabrina tell her while I just sit there shaking my head. Until they something that didn't happen at all.

Danny says, "Yeah Hazel was drooling all over Gavin's totally ripped body! She told us she wished it happened again."

"DANNY! I didn't say that at all! Luna don't listen to him. I wasn't drooling over him. I have a totally hot boyfriend who is way more mature." I explained.

They just ignore me but go along with what I said. Then we head up to my room. When we walked by Mike I told him we'll be upstairs. He mutters something that I don't hear. Anyway when we get to my room they all invade my closet. They toss me clothes that I should model for them. I put on this one dress that is knee length, thick knitted material and tan/beige color. They shake there head in disapproval. Next I try on my favorite Maroon knee length dress that was lace on top and flowy cotton on bottom. I add my knitted white infinity scarf and some black leggings that look like stocking. Then slip on brown combat boots. When I walk out there jaws drop.

"Holy smokes Hazel your doing that outfit a favor!" Sabrina says.

Danny said. "I agree with that Sabrina!"

"You look like a 21 year old. Your going to knock the socks off Jeydons parents." Luna added.

Sabrina does my makeup next and Luna does my hair. Danny just sits and talks to us. A few minutes later after I'm all ready Mike called up the stairs saying someone was at the door for me. Strange cause Jeydon's not supposed to get me until 5 and its only 4. I walk down the stairs and open the door. It's Gavin. Great.

"Hey Gavin. What are you doing here?"

He tells me, "Well you left this in the hall and thought you might need it." He hands me my bracelet that I had since I was little.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much. I didn't realize it fell off. My parents get me it when I was little. Each year they gave me a new charm. I would die without it. How can I ever repay you?" I tell him.

Gavin says, "You don't. Just glad I found it and not some drug dealer in our school."

"Thanks again Gav." I say then hug him.

His hug was so comforting. He smelt of firey wood. Why did I have to hug him.

"Anything else?" I ask.

Gavin smiles. "Nope. I've got to go. I'll see you in school."

I close the door and smile then see that Danny, Luna and Sabrina were spying and saw everything.

"Jeez guys can't I ever get some privacy!"

Luna says, "Were just worried about you. We don't want you to fall for Gavin cause he's bad news. I've seen him break hearts. It isn't pretty. You have Jeydon who's loving and good to you."

I smile and nod my head. "I know. I'm not falling for him thou. Seriously."

They all head home and wish me luck.


Jeydon picks me up at 5. When I opened the door he stares at me.

"Wow. Haz you look beautiful. My parents will love you don't worry." He says.

Jeydons wearing a blue dress shirt with tan khakis. And of course black converse. When we get to the restaurant Jeydon gets out first and runs around to open the door for me. I thank him and then slip my arm into his as we walk. When we walk in the smell of steak hits us. Yum! We walk over to this middle age women who is wearing a green button up flannel and black jeans with boots. Then a girl who looks like Jeydon and is wearing a pink sweater and a black skirt.

Jeydon introduces me. "Hey mom. Hi Kendal. This is my lovely girlfriend Hazel Princeton. Hazel this is my mom and sister."

I shake his mom's hand but she immediately hugs me. "Please Hazel call me Tina."

I then shake his sisters hand Kendal. We get a table and wait for his dad. Then he texts Jeydon he won't be able to make it.

"Of course he isn't. That man is nothing but lazy and forgetful." Tina, Jeydons mom, says.

He shots her a look then we talk about me and other things. I learned that his moms a hair stylist and his sister is in college too. After dinner ended I hugged then both good bye. We walk to the car and warm up from the cold.

"You think they liked me?" I asked him.

Jeydon smiles. "Of course they did! They loved you Haz. Can't you see how amazing you are. Everyone I bet everyone that has ever met you loved you."

He holds my hands and looks into my eyes. "I love you Hazel Grace. I never will hurt you"

Then he kisses me hard and I feel it ever where. We make-out for a few minutes and then leave. I get home and go to sleep.

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