Reality Show Part 6 (Is this real?)

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"Since when do I sing?"

You: I do weird things all the time *shrugs*. I should probably head back home...if I can call it that.

Back "home":

You: *thinking* Where are the cameramen?

Tony: Where have you been exactly?

You: On the walk I said I was going on.

Tony: That doesn't sound like you.

You: Then why didn't you point that out earlier? Also, since when do you care about how I act?

Tony: Am I not allowed to be curious?

You: No...that's my thing.

Tony: You've trademarked a personality trait?

You: Stop talking like that. Why is everyone talking like me?

Tony: Ok, so you now own curiosity, sarcasm and certain ways of speaking.

You: Ok maybe I'm just paranoid you also act like this, but it's usually more mean-spirited.

Tony: What are you on about?

You: Tony, I have a question.

Tony: This oughta be interesting.

You: What's the oddest thing I do?

Tony: Ooh, that's a tough one. I'd say your weird little musical numbers.

You: W-

Tony: Which I was wondering if you could, for Avengers Day, maybe have a little introduction for me as the amazing leader of this team.

You: I thought Steve-nevermind.

Tony: It's a back and forth argument. And besides, Steve won't make it, he's too-

You: B-U-S-Y. I know.

Tony: So...can you do it?

You: Isn't that slightly...odd?

Tony: I can have a choreography group to dance as well. Look, on A-Day, people like to see uplifting and fun things. And whether it's bad or good, there is a positive in both outcomes.

You: Tony...where are the cameramen?

Tony: Oh, so you miss them now?

You: It's only been a d-

Sam: Hey!

You: Hi?

Tony: I have some paperwork to look through *Leaves*.

Sam: So, how are you and Steve?

You: He hasn't been talking to me lately. Pretty much avoiding me.

Sam: He's on a mission.

You: Right, but before that...wait a minute, last I checked my problems with Steve started after he left a room with you in it. You son of a-

Sam: Woah woah, slow down. I know I've made my mistakes but I admit I was wrong about you two.

You: Ok, I am very confused. I need some time to process how nothing has made sense for the past hour. Did I wake up at 2PM 2 weeks into the future or something? Is this a joke? No can't be-ugh!

Soon after:

Sam: Is it me or is Y/N being really weird?

Tony: I mean it's Y/N. You have to expect it at this point. It'd be weird if he was acting normal.

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