The Avengers and their tough love lives.

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This includes:


Spideypool (of course)


Thunder Science

The drama, the drama.

Issue #1: Pietro and Clint keep trying to out-prank each other, and it was entertaining at first, now it's just childish.

Issue #2: Deadpool still murders people, Peter doesn't appreciate that.

Issue #3: Thor just refuses to not be the dominant one, seems like Bruce is more of a pet than a partner.

Issue #4: Tony cheated on Steve.

Issue #5: It drove you crazy.

Tony: Hey Y/N, can you tell Rogers that  sometimes people just aren't satisfied anymore?

You just gave him a blank stare, waiting for him to say the most perfect thing you could roast him with.

Tony: Can you at least attempt formulating a sentence?

And there it was.

You: By the time I try speaking, you probably would've tried on at least 5 condoms.

Steve gave a little smirk there, you didn't talk that much, but the witty remarks you gave when you did were so entertaining and funny to him.


Deadpool: Sometimes people DESERVE to die!

You: He's right Pete.

Peter: Who brought you into this?

You: The author...anyways look, people deserve to die sometimes, you wouldn't kill Thanos if you  had the chance to? And look, he may be paid to do this, but I'm sure Yellow or White, whichever the logical one is, is telling him to do this because it's what's right.

Peter: I...I just can't let him do this.

You: Fine, don't. But if you can't, then your relationship will be in serious peril.

Deadpool: I promise I'll only kill people who REALLY deserve it, like rapists.

Peter: ...promise?

Deadpool: Of course, Petey-pie.

You: Clint, Pietro, listen...stop, just stop pranking each other, it's just childish and unnecessary.

Clint: But the winner gets to be top for a month.

You:  Of course it's a sex thing, just take turns.

Pietro: But I want to redden his ass.

You: You might have another issue if your sexual encounters require pranking. Prank me if you want, it's probably a turn-on for you at this point.

Clint: Interesting.

Pietro: Very interesting indeed.

And then they started making out.

Thor: Banner, come here.

He grabs him and starts Ruffalo-ing ( see what I did there) his hair.

You: Hey, Brucie, wanna play fetch?

Thor: What are you talking about?

You: Stop treating Banner like a dog, you can't just dominate him whenever you're near him.

Thor: I apologise Bruce.

Bruce: It's okay, it actually is kind of my...kink.

You: Oh, good to know.

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