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Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Wukong acted on his mind and punched Red Son through a car and onto the road and let his son fall into his arms. He waited for MK to reveal that he tricked Red Son and what was really stabbed was a clone. But then, he felt the blood soak into his gi and his hands. Wukong began to cry. "N-No...!"

MK was falling limp, barely able to keep his eyes open. He managed to see the others run over, horrified looks on their faces. Mei was sobbing. "MK! MK!!" She bawled.

"K-Kid, no! Y-You're gonna b-be ok! S-Someone get him t-to a hospital!" Pigsy exclaimed.

MK started to feel sleepy and weak. His eyes were trying to clamp shut and then never work again. He saw everyone he ever loved and fought for, crying. Even his own father.

"Y-You're gonna b-be ok, MK! I p-promise!" Wukong pleaded, cradling him. "I-I'll get a Peach of I-Immorality! I-I'll-"

"N...No...time..." MK muttered, before weakly and sadly smiling at all of them. "I...l-love...y-you all...so much..."

Tang felt tears stream down as his face as he fell to his knees.

"I...I'll...m-miss y-you...I-I'm sorry you...have to cry..." He whispered before looking at his hero. His idol. His teacher. His father. "T-Thank y-you..." He then fell limp and his eyes closed, the blood of his chest continuing to leak onto his gi and The Monkey King's hands.

Mei began to cry harder than ever and hugged Sandy, sobbing into his chest. Pigsy finally broke out, punching the ground over and over.

But no one could match the stab and the shatter of Wukong's heart. He began to sob, cradling MK close to him as he kept sobbing, rocking back and forth. His ears rang, and he couldn't focus on anything or anyone except for his dead son. Every piece of his mind was processing that the boy he cared so much for was now a lifeless body with a chest covered in blood. Mack Kalani Wukong would never come back. He would never come everyday and smile so much that it could melt anyone's heart. He would never be so playfully goofy again. He would've never done that silly little drama act he always had if something minor happened. The Monkie Kid wouldn't speak or move. He would just lay there.

But then, laughter began to sound as someone stomped over. It was The Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan. Iron Fan smirked. "How sad! But now there's only 5 left to go!!"

"GOODBYE, BROTHER." Demon Bull King roared as he powered up his cannon arm and aiming it at his former brother in arms as he cradled and cried.

The others tried to get in front of him, as anger began to fill them up, but Princess Iron Fan blew them all away with a giant gust of wind. Ironclad then walked over with Red Son, who was laughing.

"THE NOODLE BOY IS DEAD!! FINALLY!!" He laughed, feeling like killing The Monkie Kid was his greatest achievement.

As Red Son, Iron Fan, and DBK powered up attacks, Wukong felt something die in him, but at the same time, he felt something rise. He then screamed as loud as he could and he stopped cradling MK and his eyes glowed brighter than ever, but instead of gold, it was red. He then zoomed over to Iron Fan and punched her in the stomach, sending her flying.

DBK turned, seeming more focused on his wife before his armor was ripped off and he was kicked in the jaw. Wukong then zoomed over and slammed his fist into his eye before RIPPING off his horns with his bare hands. DBK screamed in pain, falling to his knees, but the demon king grabbed his axe and swung it at Wukong, but it shattered at contact with the now angered Monkey King.

The Monkey King then grabbed his son's staff and stabbed it in DBK's leg before ripping it out and slashing at The Demon Bull King over and over and over and over until his former brother was unconscious. He growled and was about to annihilate him with his laser eyes, but then he saw Iron Fan charging at him.

He turned and wrapped his fingers around Iron Fan's neck and began choking her. He roared, his eyes somehow glowing even brighter. Iron Fan eventually fell limp and Wukong dropped her onto the ground.

Red Son's eyes widened with horror and he backed up. "M-Mother?! F-Father?!"

Wukong slowly turned his head to Red Son and roared, zooming over to him, wielding his staff.

Red Son gasped before suddenly Ironclad grabbed him and put a device on him, teleporting him out of the city. But then, Ironclad was STABBED in the chest.

Wukong then looked at the Bull Clone General and growled. "...YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME. YOU ALL TOOK HIM FROM ME!!!" He screamed as he flew into the air with Ironclad in his grip.

MK's team couldn't move, they only watched with horror. So many of their brains were taking in so much. But they could focus on one thing. That wasn't Sun Wukong anymore.

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