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Meanwhile, with the group, Gin and Yin were having many...struggles. White Bone Demon practically disappeared off the face of the Earth. They couldn't find her anywhere. Not even Macaque or Jei knew where she was.

"Maybe we should just forget her and go with what we have." Yin said simply. "I mean. She is crazy."

"Revenge crazed." Gin corrected. "She ain't really against humans or anything like that, she just wants Wukong DEAD after he imprisoned her."

Red Son crossed his arms. "I would have to agree with Yin. Baigujing isn't safe to work with. She's insane. And I'm saying more crazy and insane than that guy." He said, pointing at Macaque. "Speaking of which, can we-"

"No, we're not kicking him out. As much as we hate him, we need him." Spider Queen said, annoyed by how many times Red Son asked to kick Macaque out of the group.

Macaque just cackled. "I really feel flattered, guys. I've never felt so warm and fuzzy before!"

Everyone, even Ironclad, gave Macaque the 'we all hate you' face.

"Keep it coming." Macaque said simply as he leaned back.

Red Son growled a little before facing The Horned Demons. "Didn't we only need him to take out White Bone Demon to get her to help us?"

"Yeah, but at this rate, we only need two super powerful demons on our side. Those types are a little too uncontrollable. Minus Jei. He's actually pretty calm." Yin said.

"Then, why do we need Macaque?!"

"Cause he's the one of the only demons who can actually fight Wukong, and I dunno, NOT DIE?!" Gin cried. "Plus, he created Yaoguai. He can help with that."

"Looks like we're skipping White Bone Demon then." Jei said as he walked over. "Should I teleport us all to the city?"

Everyone grabbed their most powerful weapons or activated their powers. Gin smirked. "Okay. Let's go."

Jei nodded and then engulfed in flames before teleporting everyone to the city. When they arrived, it was in flames and scrap. There wasn't ANYONE in the city. It was abandoned and destroyed. Suddenly, there were gunshots and screams.

"Over there!" Ironclad suddenly cried out, running before anyone else.

Red Son blinked before shaking his head. "WHEN COULD HE SPEAK?!" He screamed as he ran after him with the others.

When the group finally caught up to Ironclad, they saw an entire army, possibly the military fighting Wukong. But that wasn't Wukong, it was Yaoguai using his body. All the soldiers were dead and tanks were being used like baseball bats.

Yaoguai cackled before using the laser eye trick Wukong did and blowing up a vehicle with soldiers still inside. He then grabbed a soldier by the neck and snapped it, dropping them once they went limp.

Red Son backed up while everyone else stepped forward. This was insane. They thought this was a good idea?

Yaoguai then heard the footsteps and turned around before grinning widely. He laughed. "FATHER. AND ALL OF WUKONG'S PAST FOES. I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG TO RIP YOU ALL LIMB FROM LIMB!!!" Yaoguai roared.

Macaque sniffled. "That's my boy."

Gin gripped his naginata. "Oh, yeah?! You and what army?!"

Yaoguai snapped his fingers and then revealed the giant army of not only his clones, but the mutated generals and subjects that once belonged to Wukong.

"Oh, right. That one."

(Strap in your seatbelts everyone! The finale is arriving! And believe me, I'm gonna try my best to make it much more different than my other finales! There's gonna be a big fight no matter what though! It will be posted on Friday! I'll see you all then!)

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