Samahidi Fire

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The group was getting bigger, and somehow with even more quiet ones. The Spider Kid didn't seem to have much of a personality. Or speech for that matter.

"Isn't that thing supposed to be like MK?" Gin asked.

The Spider Queen shrugged. "I combined a bit of brew I whipped up with that kid's hair, creating a clone that isn't anything like him. Sort of MK's version of Macaque if you think about it, but with no emotion or personality."

"I feel sad for some reason now." Yin said before tapping Red Son's shoulder. "So, uhh, not to freak any of the group out, but do you happen to know where Jei went?"

Red Son thought for a long moment, before an idea sparked in his brain. "I have a pretty good feeling where he could be."

Everyone grinned and then followed Red Son, but unfortunately, they had to go by foot because of Gin and Yin's vehicle becoming busted. But Red Son was able to use his teleportation power and the device Ironclad gave him since Red Son was a lot more calmer now.

Eventually, they made an active volcano in the middle of China.

"Uhhh...Red Son, I know you might hate us, but why in The Netherworld's name are you bringing us here?" Yin asked.

"To an ACTIVE volcano." Spider Queen said, already feeling like she was on fire. "Good god, it's hot."

Spider Kid collapsed, feeling like he was about to pass out from the heat. Ironclad merely activated an air conditioning feature he had on his body and sighed in a satisfied snort.

"Why can't we be part air conditioner?!" Gin complained as he fell onto The Spider Kid. Spider Queen merely fell to her knees.

Yin eventually collapsed as well. Red Son rolled his eyes before turning to the general. "Alright, Ironclad. You keep them cool. I'll go find Jei."

Ironclad snorted, as if asking his creator if that was a good idea. Jei was one of the few demons that could actually HURT Sun Wukong, and while that was a good thing in this case, that made Jei all the more powerful.

"He's MY former teacher! He taught me everything he knows and I have The Samahidi Fire too. I'll be alright." Red Son told him as he began walking towards the volcano. Thankfully, he was immune to heat much like his former mentor.

But then his mind began to wander to how they would get Jei to help them. Would revenge against Wukong be enough? They didn't have the seal that kept Jei in line anymore.

He sighed before feeling the heat begin to increase. And the fire and lava suddenly

Red Son quickly engulfed in The Samahidi Fire, looking from side to side before the lava spewed out of the volcano and a demon flew out. Shockingly, the lava went to the other side of the volcano, and not the way towards Red Son and the group.

The demon landed. They were glowing blue, with the Demon Bull Symbol medallion scratched out, even though it was strapped to his chest. The demon was actually made of fire, only with sharp teeth on their mouth and glowing eyes that was also made of fire.

"Red Son..." Jei hissed. "What are you doing here?"

"We need your help, Jei." Red Son said simply as the fire and lava crackled and hissed.

Jei laughed evilly, a cruel and wicked laugh. He almost had trouble standing before his fist powered up with fire. "WHY WOULD I HELP YOU?! YOU KEPT ME IMPRISONED FOR CENTURIES AND FORCED ME TO WORK FOR YOU FOR HOURS AND HOURS ON END!!"

"I know, but this has nothing to do with my father or my..." Red Son remembered seeing Wukong choke his mother and he remembered seeing her limp body fall to the ground. He felt tears of flames begin to fall down from his eyes, but he wiped them. He had to focus. But...But his mother. His mother could be dead- No. WAS dead.

Jei's eyes widened a bit, but not too much. He hated Iron Fan as much as he hated DBK, but was actually a little shocked. He could see the look of fear and traumatic memory in his former student's eyes. He looked to the side, looking at the lava turn from blue and back to orange and red. "She's gone. Correct?"

Red Son actually sniffled and nodded. "I...I don't know if s-she'll come back."

"Pity isn't going to help convince me." Jei said as he turned back to Red Son. "But you do have me intrigued. What has taken your mother and has made you and your group so desperate to come looking for me?"

"Sun Wukong...Or at least, a version I had a hand in creating."

Jei tilted his head before growling. "More of an explanation, boy."

"I...I killed The Monkie Kid. His son. And he went berserk. He's being controlled by trauma, hatred, and a red spirit that not even I know. This spirit has mutated Wukong's soldiers and made him destroy the city and much more."

"It's feeding him lies while he's in a state of madness." Jei realized, scratching his chin. "I always knew Wukong would snap one day."


"What? You think he just GOT OVER the loss of his only friends, the loss of many subjects, the fact that he will never die and will stay young while his loved ones die, and of course. The loss of his master Sanzang." Jei asked. "Mack Kalani Wukong was a child that was his own. If he lost that after losing so much already? He would go insane. This red spirit you speak of is using that against him and to its own advantage."

"O-Oh, no..." Red Son muttered.

"But I'll help. You've convinced me. Sun Wukong and this red spirit will destroy me if I don't help you." He said as his body turned from blue to his usual form, orange and red.

Red Son turned back to his original form as well and nodded. "Thank you."

Jei cackled a bit. "You've humbled, Red Son. Not much. But a lot considering your mindset."

Red Son began to scream. "HOW DARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY MINDSET-"


"Y-Yes, sir."


Sun Wukong sat on a throne of scrap metal and scoldering fire. He then saw one of his generals return. His eyes turned from gold to red and he roared. "YOU LET THEM GET AWAY?!?!"

The general whimpered and stood back. Even as a mutated monster, it was terrified of its master.

Wukong grabbed his staff and was about to kill the general before he felt the presence of the red spirit and turned around.


"What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head.

The red spirit cackled. "They are assembling a team. I sense their presence warping from place to place throughout China. They will all come to stop you."

"I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN." Wukong growled.

The red spirit smirked as he floated over, beside Wukong. "NO. NO, YOU WILL NOT."

Wukong smirked before he heard coughing and turned around to see The Demon Bull King, who he kept prisoner. "Y...You k-killed h-her...!"

"Like your son killed MINE. MY SWEET MK." He growled. "We were brothers once. Family. And you betrayed me and continued to think you could destroy me. And then that little brat of yours took my son...You and your wife should be ashamed of raising him."


The red spirit then flew out of Wukong's chest, somehow making Wukong freeze up, his eyes glowing a brighter red.

DBK trembled at the sight.

The red spirit smirked. "I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY. ATTACK."

DBK didn't. He was far too weak and far too terrified.


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